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Today, I wanted to present our viewers with a few quick suggestions for things you can do that will help you handle stress better in your life.
Number One - Get Exercise, Get A Good Night’s Sleep
Study after study is showing the importance your physical health has on improving your mental state. The best single thing you can do today to help relieve pent-up frustrations and stresses is to keep your body in peak shape. Exercise releases endorphins, which are the chemicals that cause feelings of happiness and contentment in the brain.
And sleep helps our bodies reset after a long day. Lack of sleep makes us crankier, more irritable, and more likely to let minor issues turn into major stresses.
Number Two - Try Yoga, Meditation or Massage
These soothing, calming practices are many people’s favorite way to relieve stress. Any one of these is enough to do a whole five-minute video on alone – in fact, check the archives for our meditation video.
For any of these, I’d recommend getting a professional to guide you through the process. Check for experts in these areas who can help you get started with these practices.
Number Three - Change Your Perspective
Here’s a radical suggestion for how to deal with it when problems start piling up in your life - Do nothing. Calvin Coolidge once said “If you see ten troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you.”
Turn off your cellphone, unplug your blackberry, try to go a whole day without checking your email. You’ll be surprised to find that life goes on, and that many of the things you were stressing about weren’t nearly as important as you thought.
Number Four - Express yourself
Sometimes letting our emotions out can be a great way to relieve stress. Yell out, cry, sing loudly, do whatever you can to express the way you’re feeling inside. Unless you’re a great singer or have very forgiving friends, though, maybe you’ll want to do most of these in private.
Number Five – Try relaxing with binaural beats
Binaural beats are a well-established scientific principle, but revolutionary new concept in fighting stress.
Let me explain what binaural beats are.
Let’s say you put on stereo headphones and you play different tones in each ear. Let’s say 400 Hertz in your left and 410 Hertz in your right ear. Your brain detects the difference between these two frequencies – and to compensate for the difference 'produces' a 3rd tone of 10 Hertz inside the brain.
You can get your brain to operate at higher and lower frequencies by plugging into a set of stereo headphones and manipulating the tones you’re listening to. By changing the frequencies your ears detect, it can help you achieve different mental states.
One program that uses binaural beats is called the Brain Evolution System™ (or BrainEv). It’s a six-level program for mastering the human brain. Each level of the program features a relaxing mix of all-natural sounds coupled with embedded binaural beats.
By influencing your brainwaves, the program puts you into a relaxed state. It can help you relax and de-stress, to unclutter your mind.
Those are five quick tips for relieving stress, and I hope you find them helpful.
For more information on the Brain Evolution System, please visit
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