What exactly does it mean when we make the statement Your Mind is the Control Center? We are focusing on Spiritual Warfare in the mind of God's people. This is the battlefield where we do our fighting everyday. We must beware of our own demons we face here in this struggle of the mind. We have to understand every battle is won or lost in the arena of your mind. If you do not take control of your inner thoughts, you will become a slave to your outer situation. Many individuals are mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically exhausted because of the spiritual warfare in their minds. Mental depression is on the high rise because no one wants to deal with themselves and the mental and emotional torment within. We all are responsible for how we think about our lives and the way we react to any given situation that may occur within our daily lives. We must begin to examine our own lives daily and ask the hard question: What have YOU allowed to keep YOUR control center unstable? Has it been FEAR, ANXIETY, WORRY, CONFUSION, DEPRESSION and NEGATIVE THINKING? Only YOU can answer that question truthfully and honestly.
We cannot use the world weapons to fight a spiritual battle and win. You must realize your mind is Satan's battlefield and he's out to kill, steal and destroy you at the end of the day. The word of God tells us in the book of 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 about the weapons we must use to win this war in our minds. When we have unhealthy thoughts in our minds; we produce bad choices, decisions and behavior patterns for ourselves and everyone God has entrusted in our camp to assist. You have to remember that the fight YOU are in cannot be won with your physical hands but only with a spiritual mindset and by speaking,confessing and declaring the word of God over your situation daily. You have become the sum total of your daily thoughts, whether it's good or bad. What you see is what you thought about, believe in your mind and heart and produce the final results in your life, family and environment. Renewing your mind everyday is the Key to your Victory.
Hello my name is Harriet P. Harrison. I am an published Author, trained and qualified Spiritual Life Coach, Radio Host and a "Powerhouse" Inspirational Speaker for God's Kingdom Empire. My heartfelt passion is empowering God's women to reach their own personal "Greatness" within. My purpose in life is to teach, coach and equip God's people to a place of spiritual healing, wholeness and development in the 21st Century.
If you desire more information on Harriet please visit her website: www.empowerwomen4greatness.net and my radio show at www.blogtalkradio.com/kawnetwork
Contact Harriet P. Harrison for your next women retreat, spiritual training/workshops, breakout session and more. Business # (817) 715-1183 Please leave a detail message.
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