As companies get bigger in size, responsibilities increase exponentially. Needless to say, delegation becomes a major tool for maximizing a business’ productivity levels in order to meet strict deadlines and large workload demands. The difficulty is that most entrepreneurs and business leaders do not know the art of delegating efficiently. Here is a complete guide to enhancing productivity through delegation –
Tactically Using Employee Strengths
A leader must always be aware of the strength and weaknesses of his or her employees. A detailed assessment on every individual's –
 Strengths
 Weaknesses
 Current range of skills
 Potential range of skills
 Who has the lightest workload
 Who is the most convenient for the task in hand
When delegating, assessing these relevant skills for a particular task is crucial. It is also imperative to make sure that the person getting the job is dependable. For instance, delegating tasks of a certain kind to the same worker will sooner or later improve that worker’s capacity for accomplishing those tasks.
Giving Clear Instructions to Workers
Despite the fact that the task procedure may seem obvious to the leader, he or she must not take the simplicity of the task for granted. Including clear instructions for every delegated task inherently improves the chances of success. Instructions should generally include –
 Detailed preferences regarding the manner in which the task should be carried out
 Include all past information regarding the task
 If the task has a tight deadline, mentioning that is crucial
 What the overall expectations are from the task and how it will help the business in the long run
Incorporating these specifics and straightforward directions right from the start helps in avoiding any form of communicational gaps, allowing the task in hand to be executed in the most effective manner possible. It is a positive policy that employees will certainly recognize the value of as it will help them grow as individual workers.
Trust the Worker’s Abilities but Verify Each Step of the Process
Once a task gets delegated to a worker, trusting the person to execute the task in his own manner is critical for confidence building. However, shying away from occasionally verifying the progress of the task can be dangerous for the overall plan. Occasional task assessments inspire more confidence and reverence within the team and aids in avoiding unnecessary gaps in communication. Using feedback from the workers in these task assessment sessions is also very important. The goal is to establish a healthy communication channel between the employer and the employee. Clarity and regular task assessments are the best way to achieve a healthy and positive stream of communication.
Delegating can be confusing at first as most delegation processes are unique and there isn’t always a clear-cut recipe for success. But the sooner a leader starts applying these basic principles, the sooner a clear man-management strategy can be developed to make sure that all tasks are treated with the correct amount of expertise. This in turns paves the way for the success of the organization.

As companies grow in stature, they face an increasing amount of responsibility, which can only be fulfilled through effective delegation. To boost the productivity level through appropriate delegation, business owners need to follow certain principles such as providing clear instructions to workers and verifying the tasks while maintaining faith in the employees’ capabilities.

Author's Bio: 

Reshali Balasubramaniam
Head of HR, HR Counselor and adviser at and EFutureTech Systems. Submit your resume online and be contacted by prospective employers.