Your Eyes Begin to “Age” After 30: Discover a New Baby-Easy Strategy To Improve Them – Permanently – Into your Nineties.

• 1. NeuroScience: School teaches us to read one-word-at-a-time, while hearing the words in our mind. We reinforce it daily from age 6 to 30.

• “So what?”

• 2. We can never read faster than we can speak, but we do think five-times faster than we read. Result: you get bored easily. You let random (daydreaming) thoughts, distract & slow, both your learning & memory.

• 3. School reading teaches us to exclusively depend on our Foveal-Central-Vision (fovea is Latin for “pit”). This sharp, acute vision permits us to read only 5-6 characters (letters) wide. Got it? That’s one-word-at-a-time.

• 4. Your eye-movements change from age 31, to your Senior years. Result: you word-recognition patterns (reading itself), Deteriorates annually.

Ask any Senior wearing glasses. It gets harder to see words as clearly as three-years ago, and it’s not improving. We squint to capture small-print, even with our glasses.

• 5. Recent research appearing in the journal, Psychology & Aging,

Lead author, Dr. Kevin Paterson, from the University of Leicester (U.K.), says, “The seeing the fine-print (details) that goes first. Reasons are changes in the eyes themselves, and slowing down of Neural Transmission. Our eye-movements change for the worse.

• 6. Wait! Our ability to comprehend (decode) Text in larger fonts, (type-faces), makes us read as accurately as teenagers. But not
Small-Type BILLS, NEWSPAPER print, & MEDICINE labels

So what again? We have difficulty reading at work, in leisure reading, in learning new ideas, and even “interacting-with-others” who are into self-growth.

• 7. Dr. Paterson believes, “Loss of reading skills leads to Social Exclusion, reduction in our Quality-of-Life, & a barrier to Employment, and Wealth-Creation.”

• 8. Does this make sense to you – “The ability to read effectively
Is fundamental to participating in Modern-Society.” The Internet makes sharp reading-skills, even more relevant to living successfully in the 21st Century.

• 9. Economists are betting you will live into your 90s. That’s a long time from age 31, to go without strong reading-skills, right?

• 10. Solution:

How do we know we have the answer to lousy reading-skills past age 31 to 93? We have done the research on ten-thousand adults, including folks with dyslexia and other serious eye problems – since before 2,000.

• 11. My business partner was Evelyn Wood, the creator of SpeedReading, graduating 2-million, including the White House staffs of four U.S. Presidents. We discovered that using Peripheral-Vision improves sight for folks of all ages –permanently.

• 12. Here’s what it takes to read at 65+, almost as well as you did at age 30. First, a Raster-Master, a handheld laser-pointer (pacer), to underline the words of the sentences you read.

• Why? Your-eyes-must following a moving-object – the light-beam emanating from your laser-pointer. It improves visual clarity and makes your sight acute.

• 13. Instead of (school) reading one-word-at-time, that’s fixating
(stopping) for example, 12-times for the twelve-words in the sentence. You parse (divide & separate) the words of each sentence into three (3) packs (phrases).

• 14. You use an eye-movement symbol called a Wave, made by your laser-pointer. It forces you to pay-attention and concentrate on your comprehension. Your learning triples (3x),

while your long-term memory doubles (2x). And, your comprehension improve up to 15%.


• 15. Many folks ignore their eye-sight until they hit their sixties. That makes it more difficult to improve your vital reading (learning & memory-skills). Why suffer when it’s so baby-easy to compensate for normal aging?

• 16. Your Raster-Master, handheld laser-pointer, pacer, excites your “peripheral-vision” (left & right sides, away from the center). So what again?

• 17. Your “peripheral-vision” permits you to read between 5-6 words at-a-time, instead of just ONE, like your “foveal central vision”. You compensate for Small-Type, and excite your comprehension for new-learning & long-term memory.

• 18. If you are concerned about your long-term reading skills, or have a relative or friend who is suffers from watery, blurry eyes,
and loss of detail in reading small-print, we can offer serious help.

First, see your primary physical, and ophthalmologist, ask them for options. We want you to see like a 30-year old, into your 90s.

See ya,

Copyright © 2012, H. Bernard Wechsler

Author's Bio: 

H. Bernard Wechsler, Educational Director,
Original business partner of Evelyn Wood, creator of speed reading, graduating 2-million, including the White House staff of four U.S. Presidents.

See: for Jimmy Carter interview