Each of you was born with everything you need to excel in your life. Yes I used the word excel; not settle into, not just get by, not struggle with… I used excel. My definition of this word is: go beyond, be better than, do more, climb higher, run faster, go farther, and more... and do all this easily and effortlessly. It is not that you do all these things in comparison to someone else, it is that you do way more than you thought you could. You allow your expectations to be unlimited and see just how far you can go.

I read once (I never saw who authored the line), “growing up is the process of unlearning”. In a way I believe this but more accurately think it could read, “growing up is the process of un-believing”. Individuals un-believe how awesome the really are. They un-believe just what incredible potential awaits them. They un-believe just what great things they can do on their own. They begin their lives with all they could ever need and end up limiting their abilities as life moves on by simply not believing in their true power.

They called it a vivid imagination when a small child believed she was walking on the moon after an amazing flight around the universe. They gave her a little smile and thought, “How cute.” They marveled over the little boy’s imagination when he believed he was a fireman saving all the people from the burning building then going back and extinguishing the flames. They may have even made siren sounds right along with him. Did they help him with his plans to create this as his reality? Did they offer support and guidance to the little girl who was sure she could walk on the moon? Some may have. Most, however, had no clue of the silent messages they were sending that said, “Someday, you will realize how silly this is, and you will grow out of it.” They simply sent the same messages that were sent to them when they were children. How can you expect yourself to keep believing in your inner strengths and creativity if the adults in your lives thought it was cute and just a stage you would soon outgrow? You quickly learned that since the things in your heart were cute, silly, immature or impossible, then the real answers must be outside of you somewhere. You learned that when you grew up you had to be more serious in your goal setting, more literal in your thinking and more with-held in your thought process.

Do not hold grudges against the teachers of these false messages. Besides the fact that they probably knew no better than you, blaming them only adds to the strength of these false lessons. Placing blame on others puts you in a victim role and you lose much of your ability to empower yourself.

You have been unknowingly taught to create a self-sabotaging practice. Each time you look outside yourself for happiness, you believe a little more that you are lacking. Each time you look outside yourself for someone to be your champion, you believe you are weak. Each time you look outside yourself for someone to have hope in you, you believe a little more that you are hopeless. Each time you look outside yourself for love, you believe yourself un-loveable. Each time you compare yourself to someone else you create the belief that you are not good enough. You may look outside yourself for many reasons but essentially, you are continually telling yourself you cannot be trusted to take care of you.

The entire time you are teaching yourself all these lies; you are also giving your power away to that someone or something that gets most of your energy. You are giving someone or something else, power over your well being. You are allowing your future to be controlled by an outside source. Falling into this behavior and belief system does not make you a bad person. It does not make you stupid or less than. You are not the scum of the earth and you are not evil just because these false beliefs worked their way into your life. You simply are not living up to your potential. This can be changed.

The awesome news is that all the lies you tell yourself have been learned. You are an incredible student. You can learn new thoughts, behaviors and feelings. It will not happen all at once, it will take time. Tuning into your thoughts, behaviors and feelings though, can happen right now. Awareness of your current mind-set is critical to change. Be non-judgmental towards your discovery and just be kind to you during this process.

Ask yourself without judgment, “Is this thought or feeling working for me? Does this thought or feeling move me toward the life I desire; one that I am creating?” If your answer is no, tweak the thought, feeling or action. If your answer is yes, continue with it until it no longer serves you.
Your truth is this, you are whole, you are powerful, you are loveable, you are amazing, and you are worthy. You are perfectly capable of creating, attracting, living and doing anything you desire. The life that is perfect for you is as unique as you are and nothing even similar to anyone else’s. You can create it in any shape, form or fashion you please. When you look within, to your essence, for the guidance you need, you will find all the answers you require. When you add passion to your quest, you will find success beyond anything you had hoped.

Take back your power. Take back your creativity; take back your essence and your unlimited potential. Go within and discover the amazing qualities you possess. You can accomplish all that you desire in your life if you only believe. It is never too late to begin.

Kenny Brixey

Author's Bio: 

Kenny Brixey began facilitating personal growth seminars in 1994 assisting hundreds of individuals in discovering their own unique strengths. In 1996, Kenny developed Changing Currents Team Building Company where he began creating and facilitating powerful paradigm shifting team development events infused with authentic personal growth experiences. 2009 brought yet another evolution to Kenny’s company in the creation of Unlimited Reality. Life and business coaching were added to the list of services allowing for even greater opportunities for clients to grow towards their Unlimited Reality. The evolution continues today as a self empowerment radio show host on Empower Radio.