The source of your creativity comes from the stars. As they send out the energy of their beings you are the recipient. The stars, in their ever evolving nature, provide a constant source of energy so that you may create within the Earth plane. The stars are your cosmic siblings and work with you to further your spiritual growth as a creator. On Earth, you forget your heritage and your profound ability to create. Think of the stars and the force of energy they contain and know that you too are of the same energy and with the same power to create.
It is time to remember who you are and where you came from. You are a being of light with the ability to create all and experience all within the universe. Think about creation as the joy and wonderment it is meant to be. The possibilities of creation are endless. While on Earth, you forget the power of what can be created. Every spark of energy is all-knowing and has the capability to become all that is desired. The real you is a collection of energy; therefore, you are all-knowing and have unlimited capacity to create.
On Earth, so many of you do not believe you are made of energy, nor do you believe that your ability to create is unlimited. I suggest that the first step in becoming more aware of your natural creation abilities is to become closer to and more conscious of your inner-self. This connection will help you to break down the barriers that keep you a non-believer. Sometimes it is difficult to take new information purely on faith, and that is common for many people. People often look for proof or scientific information before they can believe. There is scientific data available that can help you understand some things about energy and the universe. Exploring topics on quantum physics (the study of matter at the atomic level) and cosmology (the metaphysical study of the origin and nature of the universe) will help you gain some insight and expand your awareness.
Many books have been written in every-day language, rather than scientific jargon, that are easy to understand. Reading what scientists have proven to be true, have demonstrated through experimentation or accepted theory helps you to open your mind to the possible. You may not understand all that is presented to you, but at least you should understand that much scientific knowledge has been discovered even though the general public may not be aware of it. Another way to become more knowledgeable about the universe and scientific discovery is the many television programs that are carried such cannels as the Science Channel, National Geographic, or Discovery Channel. Remember that whatever vehicle you choose; the purpose is to help open your mind about energy and the universe. When you begin to understand that the possibilities are endless, your creativity is unleashed.
You are unknowingly creating every minute of your life, but you are likely stuck in automatic mode which does not require any new input. This results in you choosing the same experience again and again. You truly create every aspect of your life. Shouldn’t you make the most of your creations since they affect your day-to-day feelings and experiences? Build your awareness by: Being conscious of the choices you make, your energy level, and your feelings so that you can begin to see how a set of different choices and feelings would have created a different experience. Most people’s creations are rarely on a grand scale, but rather more at the local level. You create your experiences which in turn affects those around you whether it is your family, friends, or coworkers. You can create harmony or chaos, happiness or sadness, or anger or forgiveness. At each moment the choice is yours.
To take your awareness of creation to the next level you will need to spend time in thought and in meditation. At the end of the day review your choices and actions and ask yourself: Was I conscious of this choice? Why did I make the choice I did? What other choices were available to me? What are the things that I could have created? When in meditation, look deeply within yourself and explore how often you consciously create your experience. Analyze what stops you from utilizing conscious creation and visualize how an experience might have changed if you were conscious of your power to create. Apply what you learn and little-by-little you will see a change in the experiences you create.
The world does not just happen around you. You are the one who is in control by what you choose to create.
For the last 25 years, I have been dedicated to spiritual growth and learning to live with my spirit fully realized. I am assisted by a spiritual guide, in the angelic realms, called Madea.
Through automatic writing, Madea and I work closely together to create material designed to offer inspiration and guidance as you walk your spiritual path. Spiritual Novice, Begin the Journey my new book at:
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