You were no accident. You’re not the descendent of an ape nor will you one day return to earth as a butterfly, a Billy goat, or a British Lord or Lady. You’re here at a specific time living in a specific place with a specific mission to accomplish. Your life has meaning – you are here for a reason.

You already know this is true. Deep inside the depths of your soul you sense an eternal-ness, an awareness of destiny, a feeling that you really are somebody very unique in the 10,000 year history of humankind.

You are right, and modern science agrees with you! With the discovery of the complexity of DNA, scientists consistently give testimony in courts declaring that an individual’s DNA is absolute evidence of that person’s unique identity.

If you and I really are something special, why do we spend so much of our time slaving away just to eke out a living? Why are most people doing so little to fulfill their destiny? Two reasons:

First of all, most people don’t seek meaning in life. They are content to let life happen to them rather than take the effort to make something meaningful out of each day, week or month. Significance comes only to those who seek it.

Second, most people are self-centered and interested only in satisfying their own personal wants and needs. That’s how they miss discovering their own personal usefulness. They want to be served rather than serve so they become takers rather than givers, spectators rather than participants, and end up living their lives as victims rather than victors.

But not you! You want more from life. You want to fulfill your destiny. You want to be that someone special you know God has created you to be.

So start today by demanding answers to life’s two greatest questions: “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” Your answers to those questions are found deep within your own soul and in quiet, persistent reflection. Discovering your purpose is a very individual task worthy of every thought, prayer and effort you can give.

Here are a few questions that will help you find the answers: What do you love? What do you feel passionate about? What makes you cry, or laugh, or frown? What do you do well? What have you done that makes you happy? What problem can you solve, what need can you meet, what hurt can you heal?

When you find your answer – you will know why you are so very special.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Ron Ross, author/speaker/publisher. For more from Dr. Ross please visit