A normal healthy adult is not very likely to develop a yeast infection in the mouth or throat. It can happen, but usually there are other health issues, which make someone susceptible to them. Existing conditions include a course of antibiotics for something else, chemotherapy, or an immune deficiency due to a disease like AIDS.The level of the yeast infection causing micro-organism (Candida Albicans) is usually kept in check in all places in the body, including the throat, by the natural bacterial flora of the body. Like most cases of yeast infection, the overgrowth of Candida in the throat is responsible.

The mouth and throat may show white spots on the inside. Other symptoms are swelling and redness. Feeling sick, tired, or feverish can also accompany a yeast infection in the throat. The growth of fungus near the mouth can then spread to the throat, which is more common in babies. An inspection of the throat is usually enough to diagnose the condition. Other conditions, like strep throat, may show very similar signs. The doctor may take a scraping and have a closer look or send it away for analysis to be sure.

A yeast infection of the throat can be very difficult to deal with and it may be nexessary to seek medical advice. The application of apple cider vinegar can be a great help. It can be mixed in with some water and gargled a few times each day to tackle the candida. Apple cider vinegar can also be added to some drinks or put on a salad. In order to restore the balance of bacteria in the throat, natural yogurt is a good addition to the diet, it must not contain sugar. The yeast can also be treated using prescription drugs or acidophilus capsules for adults. Yeast infection in infants commonly disappears in less than 4 days quite easily.

An oral yeast infection in a baby can be a problem for mothers who are breast feeding. In the course of breast feeding, the yeast can spread to the nipple. If the area becomes overly sensitive, there is excessive pain during nursing, or flaky skin, there could be a yeast infection at the nipple.

Author's Bio: 

Christine is the creator of www.CureMyYeastInfectionFast.com. There are many simple immediate steps to take in order to combat yeast infection. For more in depth information and advice, visit http://www.CureMyYeastInfectionFast.com where you can find information on a range of topics about different types of infection, including yeast mouth infection.