Have you ever wondered why medical doctors are among the wealthiest professionals?
Have you ever thought why people so often buy into any new method, product or a technic that promises health?

The answer is evident: There is something in all of us that longs for wholeness. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we want to set free from our sicknesses, from our infirmities, from our limitations. Our dissatisfaction inspires our quest. And, giving all the respect to doctors for their efforts, we still need to realize that the total and permanent healing and wholeness have to be obtained by spiritual means.

Being created by God, we've been made for health and wholeness. And though most of humanity live dysfunctional life, being ignorant of God and His ways, His plan remains the same. We can see it manifested in and through Jesus Christ.

The Bible says:

And great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all.
Matthew 12:15

Let us take a look at this verse to find out how our desire for wholeness can be fulfilled.

First, notice that Jesus healed all that FOLLOWED Him. The Bible does not mention that He healed all that encountered Him. Here we find one of the greatest secrets of wholeness. To be healed, we are to follow Jesus.

By following Jesus I don't mean following Him in some sectarian way. Some would say that you are the true follower only if you are member of a particular group, only if you go through certain rituals. However, when we
look at Jesus, we see that He did not establish an organization and did not perform any rituals. He taught people the TRUTH OF BEING. And to follow Jesus really means following the Truth that He presented. He said:

If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
John 8:32

It was the Divine Truth that Jesus' followers accepted by faith that made them whole. It is the Divine Truth that WE accept by faith that makes US whole. We will be free and whole to the degree we will open ourselves to God's Truth!

But why can't God just heal us is He cares for our well-being? To answer this question, we have to realize the nature of our relationships with God. He is not looking to bless us in some areas while neglecting others, but to make us complete. True wholeness have a spiritual dimension. It implies living in harmony with the Father. It implies cooperation with Him, manifestation of His love, His wisdom and His power in and through us. It implies our responsibility of co-creators with God. And we receive mental, emotional and physical healing while fulfilling our destiny.

Author's Bio: 

Andrei Yashurin is a founder or Your Time: Practical Christianity Ministry. He publishes free weekly E-zines:

Your Time E-zine yourtimenow-subscribe@listbot.com

Positive Prayer positiveprayer-subscribe@listbot.com

