How to keep kids away from daycare germs? We often get this question from parents when they look for professional childcare in Blacktown. Nowadays most infants have both working parents. According to June 2022 data, almost 25.4% of infants under 0-4 years have both parents working full-time. Also, 74.7% of children under 15 have working mothers. And hence, the demand for childcare has increased. But the thought of leaving your kid with unknown people in an unknown place is stressful. Most parents worry about their child’s health, as they will be exposed to other kids. Well, you can prevent that by looking for the hygiene checklist when visiting the centre. And we will discuss that in the following article.

What to check about daycare hygiene when visiting the centre?

It is okay to worry about your toddler’s health when enrolling them on a daycare centre. Being around a lot of other kids can make them get the flu or infection. And this is normal for infants to get sick at that age. Yet, there are certain steps you can take when visiting a childcare centre. And here is a checklist for childcare hygiene that you must consider during your visit:

1. First of all, they should have a low child-adult ratio to make sure that your kid is getting the utmost care and attention.

2. Second, a proficient daycare should never accommodate kids more than their capacity.

3. Third, the childcare caregivers must give considerable effort to keep the place clean. Both the classroom and play area should be the priority.

4. Fourth, a good daycare program should maintain washroom hygiene to keep infants away from germs. They should clean and disinfect the toilet seats for toddlers’ safety.

5. Fifth, the daycare centre must have adequate sinks around the classroom, play area and dining area. It ensures that toddlers have enough places to wash their hands before/after eating and playing.

6. Sixth, a professional childcare program should know the nutritionally enriched food items for kids. They should also keep their kitchen/pantry area well-maintained and clean.

7. Seventh, skilled daycare staff should clean the toys and other sharable items every time infants play with them.

8. And lastly, a good childcare centre should know how to handle primary medical problems. They should have trained staff for that along with the vital medical kits. Besides, they must also have contact with medical professionals for emergency needs.

Sending children to daycare programs often gives us anxiety. Especially when thinking about their health, most parents feel stressed. Well, there are several points you must check when visiting a centre. And we hope this article will help you find the right childcare in Blacktown for your child.

Author's Bio: 

Author is a professional childcare staff. For years, he has helped many parents to find their ideal childcare in Blacktown. Alongside that, he has also written many blog posts and articles on various similar topics.