Everybody needs to work. Work is a way for us to earn money that we need to buy resources. Each of us view work differently from one another, that’s why there is not one definite meaning to the word work. While it is true that it is the conversion of time, effort, and knowledge to monetary or something of equal value, they are not proportional to each other. You may put a lot of time and effort but you might still gain something smaller than someone who only put in a bit of effort but with vast knowledge. The deciding factor for why people stay with their jobs is because the amount that they are earning, though that isn’t always the case. Oftentimes, happiness plays a vital role in it and goes beyond monetary gains. The sense of fulfillment in working with something we love makes our effort and time feel worthwhile and fulfilling. Everyone wants to work with what they love, that they don’t feel like it’s work or that it’s a chore to do.
Some examples of working with what we love are:
People love what they love. People enjoy doing what they love and it gives them fulfillment doing them. The evolution of technology made it even more convenient for people to pursue the things they love to do. People who love going on adventures, exploring the world, and tasting new cuisines can now enjoy both doing them while earning. They become vloggers and through their eyes, others can indulge and feel that they are part of their adventures as well; seeing new sights and learning new things. People who are competitive and love games join eSports teams. It is now considered as a sport and just like sports, they contend in different contests and receive funding from sponsors and prizes.
We are called to action. There are people who are lost, that they don’t know what to do in their lives. Everything would seem pointless and hold no purpose until they encounter something that adds spark in their lives. They would sometimes be uncertain of their decisions, if it would only be a spur of the moment thing or not. After a while, it would become evident that it is something what their hearts have been looking for all along. Only a few are really called to act, but everyone who heard the call would, one way or another, be drawn to it.
Sometimes going with the flow helps us discover ourselves. The ideals that each person carries, push them towards success. We found what we wanted to do in our lives, be it to protect our loved ones, to save humanity, to discover uncharted territories, we would dedicate even our whole life to attain it. These purposes may change slightly over the course of time, but it still will be what you desire to achieve.
We may not be able to fully grasp what we want yet, but it is certain that we are more than how we perceive ourselves. Take some time to clear your mind and enjoy life, you will discover what you really want, what makes you feel alive. Until then, make small goals that you are able to fulfill and you will slowly realize what it is that makes you happy.
From living in a public housing area and experiencing life shattering trauma to owning multiple businesses, Clarissa Leary knows what you are feeling.
By becoming a life mentor with a number of investment properties and a rural retreat house, Clarissa Leary’s story has inspired both women and men to pick up the pieces and make simple changes that alter their life’s course.
She disliked school. She hated her life. She experienced an endless cycle of disappointment and hopelessness. But after giving birth to her first child, Clarissa once again found a purpose for living, a reason to reach for something more. And her change came in the form of property investment and training with some of the world’s most Influential Entrepreneurs which honed her to become a life mentor. She has helped many women and men get into the property market, achieving success in business to learning to love themselves again through her programs.
Today, she is known for her personal drive as a life mentor and her willingness to pass on her secrets to help others rapidly experience business success, create fulfilling personal relationships, and live a life of genuine, sustainable freedom.
When you need a Life Mentor or help in Business, visit her page by clicking the link below.
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