Wisdom teeth are the permanent third molars that people develop between 16 to 20 years old, it can be earlier or later depending upon the individual. These teeth commonly require surgery to be removed.

Wisdom teeth are initially assessed when a person is an adolescent by a dentist with the use of x-rays. Removal of wisdom teeth can occur shortly after it has been determined that allowing them to grow out will cause later problems, usually in late adolescence.

Reasons for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Many times the jaw is not large enough to hold the third set of molars forcing them to become impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth become stuck in the jaw and are unable to move out through the gum. These teeth can be angled forward or backward; they can develop at a ninety degree angle to the roots of other teeth; or do not completely come out of the gum line.

A partial eruption occurs when the tooth begins to come out of the gum line however stops part way and has a flap of tissue to remain over it. This flap then traps food and bacteria under it causing infection, pain, and swelling.

Wisdom Tooth Removal

Once the decision has been made in adolescence that wisdom teeth must be removed, the procedure can usually be done in about an hour in the surgeon’s office.

Depending upon the extent of the extraction, a local or general anesthetic will be used to prevent pain and discomfort during the surgery. The surgeon will then place an incision into the gum to remove the tooth.

Once completed, there will be sutures at the extraction site, which either must be removed or will dissolve naturally.

The decision to have wisdom teeth extracted is best done when young, since healing and recovery time is much shorter at this time. As we age the bone becomes more dense and the roots of the offending tooth have the opportunity to fully mature making the extraction more difficult.

A consultation with a specialist is the best way to make an informed decision prior to surgery. If money is holding you back from getting your wisdom teeth extracted, you may want to consider investing in cheap dental plans to help save you money and get the care you need.

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