Getting sick of the hustle and bustle of metropolitan life? Longing to find a place where you can enjoy peace and quiet, as well as the benefits of nature? You might want to consider moving to a rural area.
Here’s why.
Big City Benefits, No Big City Problems
When most people think of rural living, they seem to assume that it requires living far away from the big cities. On one hand, this means less noise, traffic, and pollution and a much cheaper cost of living. On the other hand, it apparently means giving up big-city benefits like new job opportunities, high-quality healthcare, and a buzzing nightlife.
In truth, just because you don’t live in the city doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it. Most big cities are surrounded by smaller rural areas. For instance, if you’re planning to move to Wisconsin, instead of looking at Milwaukee houses for sale in the downtown metropolitan area, consider putting down roots in nearby rural locales like Shorewood or Nashotah. Areas like these provide the best of both worlds.
Affordable Real Estate, and Lots of It
The term “big city” is actually a misnomer in some ways. Sure, major metropolises like Milwaukee tend to have much higher populations and more profitable economies, but they tend to pack all that stuff in a relatively small parcel of land. That means the locals are all squished together, sometimes living stacked one on top of the other in crowded apartment complexes and dense neighborhoods.
For many Americans, having a piece of land to call your own is the ultimate dream. A place not only of privacy, but of ownership; a place you can cultivate and renovate to your liking. In big cities, that’s rarely an option, but rural areas are literally full of such opportunities. For the price of a year’s rent in an urban locale, a prospective homeowner can get a down-payment on a large stretch of rural land, achieving true independence.
Not Just Neighbors, Community is Family
One major misconception that some people have about life in rural areas is that, because the homes tend to be more spread out, it must mean that everyone is divided from each other, every resident isolated in their own little world. Actually, this couldn’t be much farther from the truth, as rural communities are often among the most tightly-knit groups anywhere.
Just because rural residents enjoy their privacy doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy spending time with one another. In fact, it’s easier for them to get to know one another than it would be for someone living in a major city like Milwaukee. There, you might be surrounded by faces every day, but they’re the faces of strangers. In rural areas, the faces you meet are the same faces. This in turn allows you to get to know your neighbors better over time, creating family-like bonds that last a lifetime.

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