One simple word, trust. What do you mean by that you may ask? Well thanks to all the dirt bag criminal spammers, and scammers of the 1990’s, and early 2000’s. Everybody, including me, is absolutely terrified of getting ripped off, or having some virus get on their computer, or having their identity stolen, because they bought a program online. It ruined us all. But, do not worry, there is a way that you can still make money online, and not have to worry, and try to convince everybody, that you are an okay guy who would never try to scam them. Most of us are decent business owners, it is the few rotten eggs who have made us all skiddish.
Well anyways, a great way to develop that trust, and get people to open up, and buy things from you, is by building up your email list. An email list a list of people who have opted into your list to receive some free information, or a product you are selling, and or giving away. After they are on your list, start to treat them like gold, because that is exactly what they are. Get into a rhythm of emailing them on a constant basis, and give them not only good content, but a couple of freebies every month, this can either be a software program, or some reports on a topic, or subject, they are interested in. If they opted in to get your affiliate report, then you know they are interested in affiliate marketing.
Now everybody has 25,000 different opinions on this, and you may just have to try and figure out what works best for you. But the major questions I’m referring to is, how much should I email them? What should I send them? I email my list twice a week. Some guys who’s lists I’m on, send my 5 emails per day, and believe me that does nothing but drive me nuts, and make me want to unsubscribe. It is over kill. Find a happy middle, do not email too little, or your list will forget who you are, and never open the emails you do finally send. Do not email too much, or you will irritate them, and they will unsubscribe. This is rule number one when you learn email marketing.
Also, give out not only good content on to your list, but one or two free products, per month. They can be a piece of software that you have, or a report that you have written. Believe me, they will appreciate it. Too many marketers lists I’m on these days never give out anything free any more, it is just sell, sell, sell. Frankly, I’m getting tired of it. I’m sure you are too. Talk to your list like they your old friends. Be personal with them, even tell them about some mistakes you have made in your business, or just tell them about something funny that happened to you that day.
The main thing is build up that trust, it will take some time, but it will happen. To help build up the list for free, do something called ad swaps. This is where you will use someone else’s list to email your squeeze page to them, and they will do the same to your list. If your page is good, you will get some sign ups! Most internet marketing forums have separate threads for this kind of activity. In time you will naturally gain the knowledge you need to learn email marketing.
Hello, I’m Trevor Poulson, expert Internet marketer and author for 5 years. Click
learn email marketing for some more fantastic information!!
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