The main point of blogging is broadcasting your thoughts, ideas, and opinions to wide audiences, to reach out. Publishing Blog Posts on Facebook Can Help Increase Your Blog Engagement is very helpful. In order to reach as many people as possible, a blogger needs to take care that the blog’s content is original and relatable.

Yet, this is also not enough. The Internet today is oversaturated with the content of all sorts for all kinds of people. Users no longer need to spend time looking for information; it is up to the content provider to look for readership. As you can tell, the competition is very stiff, so let’s talk about how to play the blogging game right.

When you create some brilliant content, it would be very naive of you to just sit there and wait for people to discover your blog. It is up to you to convince them that your blog is worthy of their time and attention. In order to achieve that, you need to always stay in touch with your audience, and the best way to do it is through social media.

Facebook has been around for over ten years now. Among other things, it provides the perfect opportunity for bloggers to interact with their readers.

Not too many people these days actually go to websites for information. They read things that appear on their timeline on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms and it’s your job to make them want to click on your content.
Unfortunately, Facebook does not provide the data on how many people have actually seen any given post. Still, you can instantly witness how many people liked it, how many have decided to share it with their friends, and in what way it reached out to them strongly enough to inspire them to leave a comment.

Let’s be real – the comment section is pretty dead on the majority of blogs, but look at how well people leave comments on Facebook. They tag their friends and it sparks the conversation. Moreover, it is always a good idea to answer people’s comments. Such interaction always gives your readers a feeling of involvement.

It can also be a good idea to post your blog articles on Facebook in their full length, at least from time to time. Surely, it may take away a portion of visitors from the actual blog but in the grand scheme of things, it matters very little. We need to acknowledge the fact that any given Facebook user has all too much information on their news feed and values the time they spend on reading a certain post.

Regardless of how awesome the blog post is – at such a hectic pace, it will make little sense for them to follow the link to your blog to read the full text and then go back to Facebook to continue with their browsing. For users, it suggests two extra actions, and not a lot of them will make an effort to do it, we need to realize that.

As you can see, in spite of the limited (putting it mildly) formatting and multimedia options, Facebook allows you to squeeze your blog post into your audiences’ news feeds.

How to Spark People’s Interest to Read Your Posts via Facebook?

One thing is to start using Facebook to promote your content, but another is to stand out from all the news on users’ timeline. Here are some ideas to make your posts differentiate:
• keep it short and simple;
• create catchy titles and snippets;
• ask a question to spark a discussion;
• make a weekly selection of the best content on your blog;
• Use ads to drive traffic to your blog
• perfect place to promote the WordPress Deals on this Black Friday

Following the above-mentioned methods will bring you many dedicated readers and help you create a strong relationship with your audience. There’re definitely many more things to try out, so keep exploring and good luck.

Author's Bio: 

Hi, I am Satish Ithamsetty. Full-time Blogger since 2009 and tech enthusiast. The main motto of this blog is to help newbies to start their blogging as a business. I love to write on Blogging, SEO, Make money online, and Affiliate marketing. If you need any assistance Stay connected and join our Facebook Community to get industry-relevant updates that help you to connect people like you.