I’m sure you can relate to this. My parents want to stay in the house they’ve lived in for over 40 years – the house where my sisters and I grew up – as long as they can. It’s their home, the center point of family memories, holiday dinners in the dining room, cribbage games on the back porch, mom’s jams cooked on the stovetop and her fruit pies in the oven… the list is endless.

I’m not surprised they don’t really want to move – nor should they have to. Like so many seniors, they feel most comfortable at home where the heart truly is. And haven’t they earned the right to spend their golden years in comfort in a place of their choosing?

Why an old-age home isn’t where you belong

“I can’t see us moving,” my mom told me recently. “We’ve got everything we need right here, why would we want to downsize or move into a seniors’ residence?”

I’m sure it’s a sentiment echoed by many – the desire to stay in their home instead of being packed up, purged of belongings, and trundled off to a home for the aged. It’s like you’re moving into a group residence with a bunch of strangers, expected to get along with them, and enjoy Tuesday night bingo and card games on designated afternoons. It’s a ready-made artificial family, much like the TV show Big Brother where new house guests arrive to cohabitate and show off their big personalities, but there’s no game or $500,000 cash prize to compete for.
Read More: http://www.belmarrahealth.com/how-technology-can-help-seniors-grow-old-a...

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At Bel Marra Health, we’re committed to the health and well being of every single client.
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