We've known for some time now that fatty fish oil is beneficial to our health, but getting the right type of fish and one which has lots of the right essential omega 3 fatty acids is crucial.

Many fish are good like salmon, tuna and mackerel but one type in particular stands head and shoulders above the rest - the hoki from New Zealand!

The fatty fish oil from these and hoki in particular are high in the essential omega 3 fatty acids which provide so many health benefits. They are the good polyunsaturated fats that over 90% of us are deficient in as the body can't make them!

Unfortunately, most of our fresh fish today contain high levels of contaminants like lead and mercury so it's not advisable to eat more than one portion a week and many come from farms significantly lowering the amount of omega 3 they contain.

The two main fats you want are DHA and EPA and it's the DHA that provides you with most of the many health benefits.

These benefits include prevention of heart disease and strokes, enhanced brain health and mental well-being along with many others including better eyesight and help in the fight against prostate and breast cancer.

Experts agree that because of the contamination in fresh fatty fish oil, a daily fish oil supplement will provide the best solution as you can control the purity and amount you want to take.

A molecularly distilled oil is recommended unless it is proven to be free of contaminants as you can then be assured that all the toxins have been removed and this process increases the omega 3 content considerably as well.

Obviously you want to get a high amount of DHA so look for at least 270mg in each supplement to reap the full rewards.

As I mentioned earlier, the hoki from New Zealand is the very best one as it is naturally high in the DHA fats and has no contamination and actually when combined with distilled tuna oil will give you over twice the anti-inflammatory benefits of normal oil.

I hope you can see the many health benefits that the right fatty fish oil can bring, helping you to maintain optimal health for now and in the future too.

Discover the purest and most effective fish oil supplements available today.

Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of the amazing health benefits of natural supplements, including quality omega 3 fish oils. Take a moment to visit his site now at http://fish-oil-antiflammatory-guide.com and discover the latest supplements he recommends after extensive research.

Author's Bio: 

Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of the amazing health benefits of natural supplements including quality omega 3 fish oils. Take a moment to visit his site now at "htttp://fish-oil-antiflammatory-guide.com" and discover the latest supplements he recommends after extensive research.