When I was a little girl, my mother always says: "Do not make faces, you stay that way!" so in all honesty I have to admit that learning American Sign Language (ASL), was a real challenge for me. It was that fear that if I had facial contortions, the usual, that someday I would wake up with an unusual facial expressions that will never come out.

Not only faces, but culturally, touching himself, was yet another challenge to American Sign Language learning aspect. Touching yourself will be further explained in detail in a separate article, this time I would like to focus on facial expressions as a means of communication aspect of ASL.

Oh yes, and the record, there is no such thing as a universal sign language so far. However, American Sign Language, Mexican Sign Language, Japanese Sign Language, Chinese Sign Language, etc. I think you get the picture. For now, let our attention to facial expressions, which are very important components of ASL communication.

Facial expressions, when combined mental Markers NMM), signals or gestures, the hands do not relay messages. Non-Manual Markers ASL can include:

* Head tilt
* Increasing the Shoulder
* Nodding head
* Raising eyebrows
* Shake head

You probably already use some type of sign language and ignorant. Here's an example:

Suppose you are responsible for a group of twenty children and want them to be quiet. Want more likely to signal that carries its own message with an expressive look on her face group. Maybe you want to put his index finger over your mouth as a sign of "Hush." If it did not get their attention, you probably need to do more expressive, with the same gesture, and added a wide eyed expression, you look more serious. If it did not help, you can even put your hand on your hip, slightly bent at the waist, bring your index finger into the mouth movement and exaggerated his brow furrows. They want to receive the message, for sure!

Well, it's just a small example of how facial expressions make the different values ??of the ASL conversations. One very important observation that the facial expressions of ASL is the expression value. Your effort to quiet a group of children above, you will notice that the added facial expressions have different meanings? So with the ASL, American Sign Language facial expression may very well be used as the auditory equivalent in vocal intonation.

And here is the best part: ASL facial expression did not change my appearance as I was told when I was a kid. I am sure they will not change your (if you have pondered over the fear).

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