Less than a century ago, our diet consists almost entirely of whole foods. Ate what we grew up, or what farmers in our communities for sale. He ate it while campaigning, or preserved, pickled, preserved or eat during the winter.

Processed foods began to make a regular appearance in our diet at the time of the Second World War and by the time the women’s lib movement was at its peak in 1970, pre-packaged foods became the norm in our North American homes. We had these convenience products, so we could go out and work without ceasing to be a hot meal on the table at the end of the day, more or less the marketing companies told us.

Even a healthy diet and healthy nutrition, processed foods Less than 20 percent of our daily consumption. But what exactly does the term “Whole Foods” means and why it is so important to a healthy body?

What are Whole Foods?

All food is food that is only one ingredient: it at its natural form. In other words, a food that has not been incorporated in another state. Obviously Whole Foods include fruits and vegetables. All other foods that may be included in the diet are:

* Dry or beans, peas and lentils
* Notes
* Whole grains like brown rice, hulled barley, millet and quinoa
* Tough cuts of meat such as chicken legs or breasts, steaks, chops and season and cook you
* Fish and shellfish such as oysters, mussels, oysters, mussels, lobster, shrimp and crab
* Dairy products made with whole milk and whole milk, cheese, yogurt and sour cream

Why are whole foods so important?

Our bodies – our systems for digestion, absorption and metabolism – become nutrients in the amounts and combinations used by the food that grows naturally on this planet to explode.

People with the human body as a holistic system, such as naturopaths, herbalists and health coaches believe that the body never optimal nutrition and good health without the Whole Foods last scope. Vitamin supplements and foods fortified with extra vitamins in them does not replace the nutritional value of whole foods because vitamins appear only on selected parts of a food product. Vitamins for food fortification are usually synthetic, which means that are made in a laboratory and not in nature. The body has trouble recognizing these synthetic products. These processed foods contain none of the complex, interwoven structure of nutrients, phytochemicals, enzymes and other substances in a bite of whole foods.

The safest bet to get the full benefit of nutrients and other substances in foods consumed in the original package as designed by Mother Nature. Whole Foods to add to your diet you can enjoy all the food offered by bounty hunters in nature, resulting in better health and better eating habits. Diets rich in whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables are often low in calories and high in feeding their processed counterparts. This leads to natural weight loss, increased feelings of energy and stronger immune system.

Author's Bio: 

As per qualification, I have done MBA. Based out from Delhi and Market Research Professional since 2013, but have a passion for cooking. I love to try making different new recipes. My other hobbies are reading novels especially suspense and murder mystery, and also listening to Gwen Stefani Net Worth music.