When you owe the IRS back taxes, you have a few options. You do not need to file your taxes and send an immediate payment. You can use these tips to prevent any problems with the IRS, and you can avoid the penalties that are charged. this means that someone who has back-taxes can take gradual action until they have paid off their axes or resolved their tax liability in another way.
Contact A Tax Resolution Company
Fortress Financial Services, Inc. and other companies offer tax resolution services. Tax resolution can be used to help you reduce your tax liability. You do not need to contact the IRS because the company you use will do it for you. You can work out a payment arrangement, and you can cut back on what you owe. Plus, you can get loans from these companies that will pay off your taxes. You pay the resolution firm back at a fair rate.
Send In A New Extension Form
You may want to send a new tax extension form for your back taxes. You may want the government to know that you are working on those taxes, and you can talk to the IRS agent assigned to your case about the extension.
You May Need To Find The Companies That Did Not Send Your Tax Forms
You must find the companies that did not send you the proper tax forms. The tax forms that you get should be sent by January 31st every year, but some companies do not send you the right documents. You might need to get these companies to send you the right documents, and you should file a complaint against these companies. You have a right to take control of your tax returns, and you will avoid more penalties because you can prove that the company did not do the right thing.
Set Up A Payment Plan
The government wants its money, but you do not need to pay all the money at once. When you set up a payment plan, the payment plan can be used the help pay off your taxes over time. You can use the payment outside of any future tax returns, and you can add that payment to your monthly budget.
When you set up the payment plan, you need to work with the agent on a plan that makes sense to you. Plus, you should keep the contact information for that agent in case you need to change the payment plan or pay off your taxes. Some people may want to add more time to their payment plan, and other people may want to calculate how long it will take to pay off the debt if they accelerate their payments.
The tax issues that you have can be resolved by an expert who understands how to manage your taxes. You can get a resolution company to help you, or you can file an extension. You may need to file a complaint against the company that did not send you the right tax documents, or you could file a complaint because their tax calculations are incorrect. Keep the contact information for the agent that is assigned to your case. You can work with that agent on a payment plan and any problems with your previous return.
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