What is the Law of Expectation, And Who Cares?

Now you are an intelligent person, wise in the ways of the world. If you do some quick internet research on the Law of Expectation, what will you find? Answer: Google has to remove this drivel. These articles contain facts a first-grader would not believe.
Example: “Whatever you believe and expect to happen, with confidence, are most likely to occur.” Life is a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’, you get what you expect. So expect all positive stuff and you will receive it.” What else?
“Change your expectations, and you change what happens to you.” Huh? Up to now, there has been no science documentation to justify the Law of Expectation. All the articles say, “Believe it because I say so”, and no evidence is offered. I call that drivel. On top of that, all the writers on Expectation refer you to the Law of Attraction. I don’t believe that one either.

Hold It

Researchers from Britain and Germany wrote an important article on the Law of Expectation published in the Science Translational Journal on 2.17.11. They used brain imaging (fMRI) to show “expectations can cancel out the benefits of Pain Killing drugs.”

Who cares? Two drug makers: Abbot and GlaxoSmithKline. Why?

If patients can destroy the power of the drugs they take by their Expectations, the clinical trials must be changed to overcome this problem. Why? The U.S. Food And Drug Administration can reject their
application to offer the drug for sale in the U.S. Each drug must pass tests to prove it is more effective
than a mere sugar-pill. No scientific proof, no Approval.


Fact: Patients who do NOT believe in the effectiveness of the drug proscribed by their physician,
can reduce or even cancel out the power (force) of the pill or injection. They may distrust the doctor who offers the solution to their pain, or the hospital treating them. Maybe they hate drugs in general, or the treating nurse in particular, and their brain (scans) show exactly how they are doing it.

But So What

Today, there is absolute valid scientific evidence to prove that our feelings and past experience, can influence, persuade and convince our mind-body-connection to cause positive or negative results, just by the power of our brain to expect good or bad conclusions.

We will work harder and longer to get what we want, if we expect the results to be what we choose.
The Law of Expectation changes the odds in our favor to win because our brain motivates us to do whatever it takes to reach our goal.

If Expectation works with powerful pain-killing drugs – then if we are PRIMED to win in problem-solving, selling, or creating original software, the mind-body-connection is also a powerful tool for success in school and your career.


Consider this: our brain can enhance (double) the effectiveness of drugs or make it appear the most powerful drugs with proven biological effect, fail to register any effect in our body. Our brain can override the reality of the analgesic effect, and show the drug is not working at all.

According to the lead author, Irene Tracy of Oxford University, “The brain imaging is telling us that patients really are switching on-and-off parts of their brains – through the mechanism of Expectation.”

When the patient has doubts about the doctor’s strategy and choice of treatment, for any reason at all, justified or not, their own brain rejects the pill, injection or bodily insertion as toxic.

Viewing the brain scans, the researchers discovered that the brain’s pain networks responded in different degrees based on the patient’s (volunteer) amount of EXPECTATION of a successful treatment.

What Is Important About this Scientific Break-Through?

“We should control for the effect of people’s Expectations on the results of any clinical trial.”
Drugs in any form may be unconsciously manipulated and rejected by patients (volunteers) through their feelings (emotions) and past experience with drugs, doctors or hospitals.
Valuable, powerful drugs may be rejected, while lousy, ineffective medicines may indicate they are the latest Silver-Bullet (Penicillin) breakthrough. How? The Power of Expectation.
Your Career
How do we apply the principle of Expectation to students at school, and advancing your career by winning promotions and raises?
Three areas of your brain are involved:
1. If you create mental imagery in your primary visual cortex of your expectation of promotions and raises, by making mental-movies, and repetitiously running them, they active your brain to motivate you strongly.
2. You emotionalize the desire and expectation of promotions and raises by excitation of your Limbic (emotions) system. The wilder and crazier you get about your positive expectations (repetition is
Mandatory), the greater the Expectation effect.

Jumping-up-and-down or throwing your arms in the air are nice. Applause works too. Emotionalize your expectation.

3. Affirmations are statements that can cue your mind to be on the
look-out for ways to succeed in obtaining promotions and raises.

Putting you affirmation in the form of a question is very effective to trigger your brain. “Why is my winning Promotions and Raises in my career, so easy and effective? Or, Why am I enjoying my thriving career with new promotions and raises?

Repeat either one of these affirmations prior to falling asleep – twenty-five (25) times. Do another 25x upon awakening while brushing your teeth, or while lying in bed.

During these times of the day, we can access and convince our Non-Conscious mind, Right-Hemisphere, and Emotions to create positive strategies to win promotions and raises. Do it persistently. Yes, really.
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Copyright 2011 by H. Bernard Wechsler


Author's Bio: 

Author of Speed Reading For Professionals, published by Barron's. Business partner
of Evelyn Wood (1909-1995) creator of Speed Reading. Graduated 2-million, including
the White House staffs of four U.S. Presidents: Kennedy-Johnson-Nixon-Carter.