Eyelid surgery, also referred to as blepharoplasty, is a type of cosmetic surgery that removes excess tissue or fat from the eyelids. It can be done on one or both eyes. The procedure takes about an hour and a half and recovery time ranges from two days to two weeks depending on how many stitches are used.

Anesthesia is typically administered via local numbing cream or injections so patients do not have to undergo general anesthesia, which can have more risks associated with it.

Eyelidity may improve the appearance of the eyes by removing pouches that form below the eyelids and bags that form under your eyes because this extra skin may create shadows and make you look older than you really are.

Eyelid Surgery Process

Step 1: After the patient is administered anesthesia, the surgeon makes small incisions near the edge of each eyelid.

Step 2: The surgeon separates the skin and muscle, removes excess fat deposits or skin, and tightens lower lid muscles if needed. Skin might also be removed from above your eyelids, but this is more common in secondary blepharoplasty procedures.

Step 3: The incisions are closed with tiny stitches that will dissolve on their own.

Eyelid Surgery Complications

Eyelid surgery is considered safe when done by an experienced surgeon, but like all surgeries it does carry some risks. Some of the most common complications are bleeding, infection, double vision , fluid buildup under the skin flap , and temporary damage to your cornea. If you experience any of these problems after your surgery, contact your doctor immediately so they can diagnose the problem and treat it as quickly as possible.

Eyelid Surgery Procedure Recovery

You may feel some discomfort for a few days after your surgery. You should not allow food or water to pass through your lips until numbness wears off, which usually happens within a day, and you may experience some itching as the anesthesia wears off.

If you rest and take care of yourself for a few days after surgery, you will recover much more quickly than if you try to go back to work or resume normal activities too early.

Stitches will be removed after about a week of recovery, but it may take two weeks for your eyes to stop feeling dry and irritated, and swelling can last for up to six months.

You should protect your eyes from sunlight and bright lights during the healing process, and you should visit your doctor for a follow-up appointment after surgery.

Why do people get double eyelid surgery?

The reason that many people do this surgery is because they are tired of wearing eye makeup to make their eyes look better. Some people don't want to wear any makeup at all, but they are still unhappy with their eyes. This is when they decide to get ทําตาสองชั้น surgery.

There are many benefits of doing this kind of surgery, but there are also some risks that come with it. The benefits of double eyelid surgery mainly come in the form of beauty and self-confidence. Not only will you be more likely to show your eyes, but you'll also have a natural looking eye shape that could make you look younger because your eyes will be bigger.

One thing that all people who get double eyelid surgery want is bigger eyes. This is one of the most common reasons that people get this type of surgery done. If your eyes are bigger, they will automatically appear more beautiful because the shape itself has changed to help them look better in general.

Will there be a scar after doing the eye surgery?

The type of scar from eyelid surgery will largely depend on how much tissue is removed. If a lot of material is removed, a large scar might form. A more conservative approach with remove a smaller amount of tissue and may result in a small long-term scar that will be hidden by the eye lid itself.

Author's Bio: 

Thriller Author | Craftsman | Entrepreneur | Recovering Neuroscientist | Shaves Head with a Safety Razor and Drinks Black Coffee | Love to write on new things.