For some of you who are young, and new the whole marketing game. The up sale is the single most powerful thing you will have in your arsenal of making money your product. It can double, and even triple your profits. I feel a lot of you do not utilize this tactic enough, or are afraid too, and that is just plain crazy! You see all you have to do if find buyer’s for your product, that is all marketing really boils down to, and the great thing is that when you have found those people with credit or debit card in hand, ready to get whatever you have to sell, these people are in what I like to call “the buying mode.” For business owners like us this is a fantastic thing. I think the picture next to this article basically explains the entire concept.
When you go to a fast food restaurant, they always offer you some fries, or a drink, with what ever sandwich you order for another thirty nine cents, or whatever. You see the fast food industry quickly realized that if someone is willing to spend four dollars on a hamburger, they might just want an ice cold drink and fries to go with that for just a few cents more, and it is true. Lets face it we have all fallen for it, myself included. Well it is no different in the Internet marketing game. How many times have you ordered a product online, for say forty seven dollars, and just before your done checking out, you get offered that “once in a lifetime bonus item,” for just another twenty five dollars? You see it all the time.
Well if you are not doing this, then this is a tactic you must learn to master. Do not be afraid to try it, because remember you are only offering it after they have already purchased, so you will not lose the sale. Basically, there are two ways you can go about this, you can offer the up sale directly on the main sales page, or you can offer it after they have already hit the buy now button. You will use it as a re-direct button to the new page that will offer this “once in a life time offer.” You see the fear of loss is a huge motivating factor to get people to buy even more from you. The rational is, well I have already spent thirty five dollars today, what is another twenty, and I will be getting so much! Again we have all done it, me included.
So I know it works.You can also add a piece of software called exit splash for both the up sale, and the down sale. It is that little grey box that pops up and says, hey wait your going to be missing out if you leave, etc.. You get the picture. Another tactic is the down sale. People see the price and say, well that is just too expensive for me, so I will leave, instead they are redirected to a page where the product is 50% off. Either way you as the business owner should make money, and that is the ultimate goal, right? So create those up sale, and down sale pages right away, and start earning today!
I'm Trevor Poulson, expert author and internet marketer for more great tips and ideas check out my blog today!
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