Acupuncture is considered a form of medicine in which certain points on the body are stimulated by inserting very fine needles into the skin. It is believed to have originated from Chinese medicinal practices and have been around for over 3,000 years. Acupuncture has been shown to be helpful in managing pain in conditions such as back pain, neck pain, headache, knee problems, and more. There are over 2000 acupuncture points in the human body which, once pressure is applied, maintain the normal flow of energy throughout the body. How beneficial it is for other health conditions is still unknown. It is a safe practice and carries very little risk when administered by a licensed practitioner. Acupuncture and infertility are a growing concept among young couples,

How does it help with fertility?
Nowadays, there are numerous options available for infertile couples, but not everyone can afford all of these expensive techniques. Everyone tends to look for affordable solutions and home remedies. Acupuncture methods are such a resource for them. Acupuncture to increase fertility works in many ways, such as helping to stimulate endocrine hormones, decrease stress, and increase blood flow to the uterus for thick lining. Acupuncture points for infertility positions range from the face to the lower abdomen.

The treatment required varies from one person to another. This is a personalized health service that may not be the same for two people. However, it cannot help with problems such as adhesion of the fallopian tubes or cancers of the reproductive organ.
Who can benefit?
Couples who are experiencing the following problems can benefit from acupuncture:

Endocrine rectification: the amount of hormone released is an important parameter for fertility and influences the production of eggs and sperm. Acupuncture combined with herbal therapy can help overcome such hormonal imbalances. Acupuncture therapy is also given to women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Stress Buster: One of the best known problems that acupuncture fights is stress. Lifestyle stress is a common cause of low sperm count or even irregular hormone cycles.
Cost-effectiveness: Couples who cannot afford high-end IVF and other fertility-enhancing surgeries can benefit from acupuncture sessions.
When to start acupuncture treatment?
Acupuncture is usually given to the patient for a few months (three to four) before moving on to insemination or other impregnation techniques. Therapy is provided based on the acupuncturist and the doctor's suggestion.

When to stop acupuncture treatment?
The treatment is often done even after ideation. Usually, this is done to avoid other complications or miscarriages. Since most miscarriages occur within the first trimester, women are kept on treatment until the first three months of pregnancy. This also benefits the mother by keeping her stress free and improving blood flow.

How does acupuncture fertility treatment work?
Acupuncture helps improve blood flow to the reproductive organs and helps the uterus form thicker sheaths. Acupuncture also helps moderate the neuro-hormonal pathways to improve the flow of energy to the reproductive systems in the body.

Are acupuncture points different after IVF and insemination than before?
When the patient is expecting a pregnancy after an insemination or IVF procedure, there are some acupuncture points that your acupuncturist should avoid. These points are contraindicated and are located around the stomach, gallbladder, large intestine and bladder. Hence, you need to keep your acupuncture doctor updated on infertility treatment and what stage you are in.

Is it recognized by the medical community?
Doctors understand that stress is an underlying cause of the disease that can be treated with acupuncture. The importance of acupuncture is so well recognized that many certified doctors have trained in oriental medicine to master acupuncture.

Are there any risks of using acupuncture for infertility?
Since acupuncture is a minimally invasive procedure, the risks are limited. However, incorrect application of the needles could lead to miscarriage in some cases. This is why you need to have an experienced doctor with experience in oriental medicine to administer the sessions.

Acupuncture has been practiced through the ages. Studies have shown that increased libido and fertility are just some of the many benefits of acupuncture. Many couples have used this form of therapy to help them bear a child with considerable success.

Mindful Billing LLC provides professional insurance billing services to holistic practitioners in Florida, USA.

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Acupuncture insurance billing with a personal touch.