Unfortunately this occurrence is on the rise in South Africa. The crime statistics, as released by the Minister of Police, show a 10,3% rise in thefts out of a motor vehicle, taking the total last year to 120 862 reported incidents.

Insurance companies claim this number is higher and have figures showing an average of 25 smashed windows a day in Durban, and 13 200 windows replaced in Pretoria, last year. According to Robyn Farrel, director of 1st for Women Insurance, what is more frightening is the fact that the majority of “smash and grab” victims are woman.

So how do we protect ourselves and loved ones?

In the 1960s, a new technology called window film came on the market. Since that time, the technology has continued to evolve, offering car owners another option for protecting their family and valuables.

Insurance companies claim that the best “smash and grab” preventer is to have a polycarb film fitted to your windows. The benefit, of the film, to your safety is two-fold.

·The safety film makes it difficult for criminals to see into your vehicle. This makes it harder to identify valuables. The safety film is also a visible deterrent as criminals will prefer a “softer” target.

·The safety film prevents shattering of the glass, holding it in place. This stops shards of glass injuring the occupants of the car. It provides precious time to react and escape.

Film tinting is fairly inexpensive, strengthens glass and reduces insurance premiums. Don’t let your windows be your weak point. Don’t be the next statistic. Stop crime. Fit Safty Film

Don’t be the next statistic. Stop crime. Fit Safety film with Solar Film Foundation 

Author's Bio: 

Paul is the content online marketing manager for www.solarfoundation.co.za