You can only apprehend the true meaning of love when you experience motherhood. Moreover, your highest level of endurance can only be tested when you deliver your baby. This is exactly what happened to me!

Every single day I am living my childhood doing silly things just to see my son laugh. And my Little master make everyone smile and laugh around him. I Guess nobody can be as carefree and happy as babies are!

Each one of us must have thought to themselves the key to be happier and empower ways to be successful in life.

The Way He Greets People

Whenever he looks around and observe someone looking at him he passes a smile. And then the other person tend to have a bright smile on their face.

He Is A Drama Master

When he wants something he becomes adamant to get it under any circumstances! There are times when there is something that is delicate or can hurt him; so during that time we try to divert his mind and give any other stuff. Initially, he doesn't want to settle down but then within few minutes he starts enjoying “the new” thing.

I wonder can I learn something from him on how to be happy and be appreciative with what you have?

How He Forgets that...

Once in a while when he is being demanding I have to say No! And then he becomes silent and upset for few minutes and then comes back again in his usual self! He is getting naughtier day by day!
I wish I have the ability to forget and forgive people who upsets me!

His Range Of Changing Moods

Once in a while he gets moody and need my total attention; when he doesn't get my attention he makes innocent faces towards me! I know how I used to fight with my husband whenever I thought I was not getting enough compassion. Now I have learned the art from my son on how to get attention with “just a look” that can say it all!

Smile Does Increase Your Face Value

The research suggests, on an average baby smiles more than 400 times a day. Woohoo!
No wonder why babies have lovely looks and the charming skin! So now you don’t need any beauty enhancement treatments just Smile.

How Silly and Little Objects Can Entertain Him

He loves playing with kitchen utensils, brooms and any other household thing. He brings a sense of joy and fun to any item of the house. I have literally stopped bringing toys for him now. Won’t it be amazing if we find joy in doing little things; instead of running after materialist things.

Do share your observations on how you can actually live happier if you start thinking like a baby! Talk to that little baby inside you.

Author's Bio: 

I’m a professional writer which gives me a freedom to talk about certain issues that our society is facing. Questions about life in general, share my life experiences and to provide any information which might help other people.
I have gained expertise in offering customized content writing services
- Blog Writing
- Industry Segment Writing
- Press Releases
- Content Syndication
- Academia Content
- OP-ED Section on News and Current Affairs
- eBooks
- Product Reviews

My Personal blog about relationships, self growth tips and a lot more that I experience in my life on a daily basis.