Like attracts like is an easy way to describe the Universal Law of Attraction. That is so true and I can easily relate to it and attempt to teach my children “The Law” every day. We say it a little differently where I’m from. More like “what goes around comes around.”
I work a regular 40 hour J.O.B. “yep just above broke. “ My challenge is to help “at risk youth” from inner cities learn what it’s like to have someone care about them; and not bring them harm. Trust is a key factor in relationship building. It takes real effort to help a mean little girl that is not a hillbilly (rather from the hood) learn how to trust an older guy from the mean cow-paths of Western Pennsylvania.
How to help a young person no matter where they are from accept responsibility for their own lives is a considerable challenge. Even though I believe I know how this “Law of Attraction” thing works it can be difficult to explain to an abandoned and most often abused child. Adults not familiar with the idea are also difficult to assist in understanding the concept depending on how hard headed they are.
While the child / victim of abuse seemed to have little or no control over their conditions while in the custody or control of an abusive adult they most often carry around the blame as if they did. The underlying feelings of guilt leads to low self esteem, depression, and maybe worse; and needs to be reversed.
I begin by making sure I look them directly in the eyes and say; you know all those terrible things that happened to you when you were young were not your fault. When I see a tear trickle down the cheeks of that youth, I know I have broken through the tough exterior and reached the wounded child.
From that point it is a matter of explaining how they no longer need to be a victim, and how it’s time to accept responsibility for their actions and take charge of their own lives. This can be difficult, (but not impossible) to get across.
The concept of forgiveness must also be exercised to allow the wounded child to quit carrying around negative energy they inherited from adults. How on earth do you reach a child that is hardened by the experience and built a wall to prevent the hurt from reaching them again?
Everyone on this planet is a product of their environment. Downloads of flawed data begins at a very young age, (pre-natal) and continues on to this day. Science is discovering only recently how powerful we really are. The main stream people are not yet caught up to the concept and as a people we are dumb to the process of removing energy blockages from our systems.
To assist in the healing process I rely on an ancient Hawaiian technique known as self identity “Ho’opono’pono. I learned of the method while following one of my favorite teachers from “The Secret;” Dr. Joe Vitale. Joe and Dr. Hew Len collaborated to bring forth this ancient healing method to the modern world. Their work is titled Zero Limits. If you’re not familiar with it you should be.
Ho’oponon’pono requires the person assisting in the healing process to clearly accept responsibility for absolutely everything that occurs within their own reality. That being accepted and said the following mantra is recited in any order that feels right either internally or externally; “I Love You,” (to the creator,)”please forgive me,” (because I don’t know the location of the bad data or what happened to cause it,)”I’m Sorry,” (That I don’t know,) “Thank You,” (For the opportunity to bring forth the healing.)
Since I began practicing “Ho’opono’pono a few years back, I’m constantly humbled by my related experiences. Frequently when I go to work, co-workers tell me of the horrible day they have been having with which ever youth that’s acting out. I recite my mantra over a few times internally while empathizing, and proceed to have my typical great day; it has never failed me. The youth who may have been acting out are calm, (at least in my presence.) I take no personal credit but do enjoy the reputation my calmness brings.
“The Secret” brought to the world a basic concept that if studied changes lives. However it is just the starting point for an awesome journey filled with greater learning experiences. I’m thankful to have watched that movie a couple dozen times; always seeking more information to discover the real key to riches. Isn’t it ironic I woke up one day and realized I already have?
I Love You, Please Forgive Me, I’m Sorry, Thank You,
Jim Blackstone is a self described "Baby Boomer" with an attitude. Jim enjoys writing articles for several blogs. Jim also writes poetry and short stories. Some of his favorite subjects are Universal Laws, Internet Marketing, Weight Loss Topics, and Self Improvement Jim's moto is "if it ain't love don't bring it!" Visit;
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