The low blood pressure is the best definition in the symptoms rather than in the numbers. When you are suffering from the blood pressure issue you must face the following mention symptoms in yourself.  When this happens you come to know about the low BP and you make it cure as soon as possible.

In 1990 some life insurance companies start research and start compiling the actuarial data between the link of increased risk of death and the high blood pressure. This is the reason that many of the doct5ors perceive that the philosophy of “The lower the better”.

If you are a patient of the low blood pressure or even high blood pressure, you must have your first aid box. Carry all you required medicines and the stuff that may help you to normal your pressure of the blood.  This will help in taking care of yourself anywhere at any time.

Number of normal Blood Pressure

Now the normal blood pressure value is decreased the recommended threshold. This means the value constitutes the high blood pressure from the year 1973 to 2017 have changed a lot. Below we have listed the reading that shows you the big difference;

  • In 1973 it is 160/95
  • In 1997 it is 140/90
  • In 2017 it is 130/80

If you have the reading value in between this, it shows the normal reading. You do not have to worry. But you have to be alert if some sort of symptoms you find in your, check the pressure and take off the medicine recommended by the doctor from your first aid kit.

How low pressure of blood should go?

The study begins in 1972, the conclusion of the study is to show that the lower blood pressure of the human being will be going to increase the risk of death. This will go to happen if the millimeter mercury level fell below the 85.

Whenever you feel that the level of blood pressure decrease, do not take it to light and have to see the doctor.  Or if you are continues suffering from this disease you have to take medicine and have to consume the salt more in your food.

In 2014 other research is observational study, in which there are millions of the patient who have denied the J-Curve.  But in 2018 30K patients suggest that it does exist. This means the study of both are different and may be confusing.

Signs of Low Blood Pressure

Here we have listed the symptoms of the low blood pressure. If you are having them then you must have to face this disease. So have a look and read them carefully to make your body relaxed and cure.  This is sure that it is not at all a good thing to happen again and again. Because this may increase the risk of death.

  • Lightheadedness
  • You may get faint (it is the sign of dangerously low blood pressure)
  • Nausea
  • Blurry vision
  • Fatigue

Some symptoms may demand great care and make you take too many drugs of low blood pressure and medication from specialized doctors. If the blood pressure changes after the medication. Concern your doctor, it may change the medication, may change one of the tablets and maybe reduce the dose. Do not let it go and ignore.


If you want to be healthy and do not let your disease to increase then do check your blood pressure regularly. If possible make a chart and maintain it.  Kept your first aid box of low blood pressure separately from the regular medication. Use them and decrease the risk of death.

Author's Bio: 

Whitney is a creative writer and content strategist from Company Name. I am a graduate of the University of London. Currently, I write for various websites and working in Bestway Software House. I am interested in topics about self-education, Social writing, motivation and Technology