In principle, there is no age limit for taking out individual life insurance. It is also possible to open a life insurance contract on behalf of minors.
Life insurance is not subject to any payment limit. You can completely, for example, reinvest the entire proceeds of the sale of a property in life insurance.

Some contracts, however, set a payment threshold, which varies widely from one establishment to another. It could be a few tens of euros for traditional bancassurers, and a few hundred thousand for online banks or savings associations.

As a reminder, we advise you to take tax date as soon as possible, even if you invest only £50.
Note however that certain sun life insurance contracts condition access to their euro fund (generally boosted) to the investment of part of the capital in units of account, on the basis of a percentage fixed by the establishment. Itself (for example: 30% minimum UA).
Also be aware that certain media (UCITS, FCP, etc.) may only be accessible from a certain amount of investment.
It will also be possible to take out life insurance for two, for couples married under a community plan (legal or universal community). We will then speak of co- life insurance : each of the spouses will be co-members and co-insured respectively. The interests of this practice are numerous, whether civil or fiscal.

Finally, it is possible to take out a life insurance contract for a third party, on behalf of someone else. The insured must simply give his agreement in the event that he is not the subscriber of the contract.

Can we take out several life insurance policies?
There is no limit as to the number of life insurance contracts that you can open, unlike for example the PEL, which is limited to 1 per person. Fiscally, the fact of holding several contracts has only very rarely an interest.

So be reassured: if you have subscribed to an old contract, for example, not very remunerative but with tax maturity, you are not obliged to close it (and lose the tax priority) to open a new one elsewhere!

How do I change my life insurance contract?
You have every right to be dissatisfied with your (or one of) your life insurance policies, especially if you opened it a long time ago. Many savers rightly wonder if they should keep an old low-paying contract, limited in terms of available media or subject to significant costs.
Note that a life insurance contract is not transferable. In concrete terms, it will be impossible for you to request the transfer of your capital from one contract to another open to competition.

The only solution, if you spot, for example thanks to our comparator, better performing life insurance elsewhere, will be to buy back your entire contract and then make a capital contribution on your new medium. However, you will in principle have to pay entry or payment fees.

Author's Bio: 

I am a professional blogger/writer and have been writing as a freelance writer for various websites. Now I have joined one of the most recognized platforms in the world.