I am Kryon and I greet each individual with the words OMAR TA SATT. I greet the collective for it connects the grid of love. These connections are very strong and they unify the energies to an even higher energy that the collective, each individual absorbs and carries to the outside to the human beings. Thus I also greet the collective with the words OMAR TA SATT.
At the moment there are great changes on your planet. Extreme waves of energy can be felt, for a planet has carried out the ascension. Landras is in the adaptation phase now. Through this ascension that has taken place the planetary grid vibrates, and vibrates on a very high level. All that is carried by the highest love and it is what we expected throughout all the epochs. And we knew, some time a planet will let the perfect sound ring out and this is the beginning of the great planetary ascension.
But it should take place in a certain sequence, and only after some planets have carried out the ascension will there be a chain reaction and all planets will be fetched back into the magnetic lines. As the planetary vibrations in the grid are very high, we conduct surplus energy, lightful energy of awakening onto four planets now, among them the earth. It is very important to understand that what is happening now should not cause fear in you, but it is what what we have always told you: It is the change of ages. And Kryon can tell you that you are in the middle of this change. And I can only call you to make use of the entire time in order to embed all the energetic patterns in yourselves, to turn towards yourselves loving yourselves and to understand what is happening on Earth at the moment. For of course all our compassion is needed for the inhabitants of Japan, but still it was necessary that this change took place.
Kryon will bring you further messages, but it is also very important that Melek Metatron, the Eye of God, the Throne Angels have prepared themselves to give you the drops of blessing, for with them your structures are expanded, your intellect put aside, and your hearts and souls opened even further. Und thus we now ask for the drops of blessing from Melek Metatron. From the Divine Thought Field Shan'Shija, who has dipped into the divine Source, will fetch God's breath, bundle the energies and present them to you.
For it is so important at this time that you put the intellect aside and can absorb the energies with your soul. And to understand, even though one carries compassion within, what is happening on your Earth at the moment. To develop the understanding and the consciousness that we foretold you all this many, many years ago already. And brought you the message that this will happen near Japan. To understand with your heart, despite all the compassion, that these are the changes. For the leaps of consciousness on Earth are enormous right now. And not just that all the structures are collapsing in your politics, in employment, but also in so many other areas. Nuclear power stations that generate electricity will not be able to continue. Great, global rethinking will take place and more than ever you are called to understand this.
Und thus we will now open the Festival with the drops of blessing from the divine Source, brought by the Throne Angels, bundled directly into your soul, expanding there and bringing you the love.
{Music is played}
These planetary changes really are very enormous. What is happening on your planet is a big, big expansion and comprises a great dawning of consciousness. When you ask us: What will continue to exist, Kryon? Then I can tell you that everything that has been built in love, that is love will continue to exist. Love can never be destroyed. But many structures of the old energy, they are crumbling and collapsing. You have been able to follow this recently. But now there will be more and more. We do not say this to frighten you, but to prepare you for what is already happening. Nonetheless, despite all the compassion it is important to be in the awareness all the time that all that is happening has always been foretold: And a new Earth will be born that is much more beautiful and you will live on it. Thus you can look forward to what is happening.
Sangitar has mentioned it already and Kryon would like to repeat it: Nothing on your Earth will be as it once was. And even the deeply sleeping among the human beings will understand and feel a pull of yearning to awaken and develop spiritually. More and more these sleeping human beings will go to you and ask you for help. Because of that it is so important to be well prepared, and each one of you carries the abilities within. And through Sherin, through the walk-in, it will also be the case that these abilities, the merkabah, the aspects will be touched very, very much more. Sherin will get involved with each one of you. We will make use of these days in order to take up the pure love energy, but also to awaken your divine might once more. To impress on you that you are ready to show your light, for even now it becomes apparent that very many human beings will go to you. For each one feels these changes. Many cannot classify them yet. But nothing that is happening now can be denied by the human beings anymore.
In Landras there is a God's Pearl Field, called The Pearl of God. The pure energy of Christ is there. Norina will lead you to Landras and you will stand underneath this Pearl Field. And you will feel how the pure Christ light will flow into you. This is a preparation for another journey to Landras that we will carry out today as well. The High Councillors have consulted and we want to give you the best possible. We want to make use of these days in the collective. And thus it will be. And Kryon will watch the event and be with you. And I say to each one of you
Note: The Kryon Festival is a biannual event in Germany. On two days medium Sabine Sangitar channels messages from the spirit world that center on a particular theme, and many energy transmissions take place.
The words of the light language that have been used in the channeling mean:
OMAR TA SATT - lightworkers' greeting, energy of welcome
AN'ANASHA - gratitude, balance between giving and taking
Sabine Sangitar Wenig is a clairaudient medium who, after many years of preparation for her current task, has founded 'Kryonschool - Spiritual Course of Awakening'.
In addition to her regular work for Kryonschool she gives a public channeling in Rosenheim, Germany, once a month which is also published on the Kryonschool website.
Kryon is an angel from the magnetic universe who has agreed to help Mother Earth (and us) prepare for her ascension into the 5th dimension.
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