Are you sick and tired of diets? You are probably sick and tired of diets both physically and emotionally. Not only does these FAD diets drain us emotionally but most of them are incredibly unhealthy. They leave you feeling tired, hungry and drained. No wonder most people gain even more weight when they do get back into a "normal" lifestyle again. The real secret to losing weight is to make permanent and lasting changes.

So, how can you lose weight safely without going through the usual drama of FAD diets and killer workout routines? Let me offer you 3 alternative weight loss methods that are proven to work.

1. Pilates
Chances are that you've heard of Pilates before and its become very popular in the last few years. Pilates is essentially a workout routine that is based on Yoga but the focus is much more on muscle involvement than mere Yoga postures. Its a much more active workout but its in start contrast to traditional workouts where you kill yourself in the gym. Its been proven to work fro weight loss and will leave you feeling like a new person.

2. Weight Loss Patches
I must admit that the idea sounded absurd when I first heard of it but as I started learning more about the science it started making sense. It based on the simple principle that we all tend to overeat - mostly out of habit. Our appetite tends to grow as we eat more until it gets to a point where our appetite is too big for our body's ability to burn the excess calories. Weight loss patches are designed to suppress your appetite and bring it back within acceptable norms.

2. Hypnosis
Anyone whose ever lost large amounts of weight will testify to the fact that your mind is the most important thing in losing weight. Most of the time its not what you do, but "doing it" that is the real problem. With hypnosis you can reprogram your mind and fix some of the distorted associations that you have towards food and being healthy. Hypnosis is incredibly powerful and can help you make those important chances from the inside. Its been said that when you correct your mind, everything fall into place. Fit, slim and healthy people simply think differently from overweight and unhealthy people and hypnosis can help you achieve this.

In the end weight loss is something that you need to take responsibility for. Not everything works for everybody. You need to find something that works for you; something that fits into your personality and lifestyle. We can all have the level of health and fitness that we desire. All it takes is the will to do it.

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Read more about the fastest way to lose weight and see how Pilates fitness equipment can help you.