Everyone dreams at night, but most people are unable to recall them and some even claim that they do not dream at all. Remembering your dreams is not impossible, but it does take time, patience and practice.
Let's begin at when it is time to go to sleep. When it is time for bed, researchers have found that taking 50-200 mg of Vitamin B at least thirty minutes prior to falling asleep will cause your dreams to be more vivid and aiding in your ability to remember them. Before going to sleep, make sure that you have a notepad and pen near so you can write down anything you remember. Before you fall asleep, make sure you make a conscious effort to remember what you are going to dream about. Tell yourself repeatedly that you are going to fall asleep, and dream and you need to remember them. This will instruct and prepare your mind to remember what you're imagining while you sleep.
Most people have a ninety minute REM sleep cycle. Some are able to wake up on their own when their cycle is complete, some people will set an alarm every 4.5, 6 or 7 hours to bring them from their cycle. When you wake after your cycle ends on your own, you will be more likely to remember your current dream than if you were awoken in the midst of it. Avoid alcohol and caffeine as this will cause your REM cycle to be reduced. The best way to remember your dream is to slowly wake on your own, or have your partner gently wake you. If you must use an alarm clock, make sure it is at the lowest volume that will still efficiently wake you, and make sure you turn it off as quickly as possible.
Never use the radio or TV to wake you and refrain from conversations as long as possible. These distractions will cause your mind to begin immediately processing the incoming noise and will make it harder to recall your dreams. Lie in bed for at least ten minutes in complete silence, trying to remember your dream, but not concentrating too hard or become frustrated. If you are unable to recall your dream, think about how you are currently feeling. What mood are you in? What do you feel overcome with? Write this in your notepad as it may help in the future to put all of your dreams together.
Another good tip to remember your dreams is to maintain a consistence sleep schedule and receive an adequate amount of sleep. If your body is aware of when it is time to sleep, it will be better prepared to recall your dreams and eventually this will become a habit. Do not become discouraged if you are unable to remember your dreams immediately or after the first few nights. Continue to do what you are doing and you should eventually be able to recall even the smallest dream with ease.
Jill Magso is a member of the Silva Team and contributes to spreading enlightened ideas and sharing teachings about meditation practices. The Silva Method encompasses a variety of powerful exercises that take you deep into Alpha and Theta levels of the mind so that you can work within your subconscious as well as your conscious mind.
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