Wave your Magic Wand

What would you bring into existence in your life if you could wave magic wand and everything just appeared? If there were no limits to what you could create and manifest, what would appear for you?
Pay close attention now, here comes the truth… No wand is needed because there are no limits to your abilities or your potential. You can create and manifest anything you desire in your life when all limits are removed from your belief system. The only limits you will ever see before you are the ones you allow to be in your life or the self imposed limits that detour you away from your ultimate goals. Yep, the truth is, you can do anything you want when you remove the limits you have allowed to get in your way. To say this in another way, you are incapable of doing or creating anything that you belief is undoable for you. Your beliefs create your reality.
Okay, back to your list… What did you come up with? How many items? Did it include visions you have had for a while? Did those visions expand? What stopped you there and kept you from imagining bigger and more abundantly? How many things made your list then came back off when you thought about them? Did they come off because they are impossible, too hard or too costly?
It is important to know what stopped you, what limited your thinking. That is key to manifesting the life you want. You cannot hear this often enough, there are no limits to what you are capable of attracting into your life except for those you allow. If you were asked to list all of the real things that kept you from attracting your ideal life, you could have only one thing on your list. Your belief about your abilities, that’s it. This is the only thing that can truly limit you and make the list; all the other things that came to mind are all excuses, illusions and lies you tell yourself. Even your limited belief is a lie when you break it down.
Where you focus is what you get. While my next example is from shows from my childhood and will age me a bit, they are still wonderful examples. In the 70’s series, Bewitched, I Dream of Genie and many of the super hero shows, the stars all lost their power at one time or another. What was the common factor in them all losing their power? Self-Belief. What they believed about themselves. In every situation (that I saw anyway) each of the stars experienced a situation that caused them to question their abilities and themselves. They began believing they had lost their power and basically created a new reality for themselves. It was only when they shifted their self-belief back to the truth that they were they able to re-gain their strength; their powers.
The same is true of us as well. Henry Ford said it best, “Whether you believe you can or you can’t, you are right”. Your belief in you determines your results.
I met a man who had no education beyond junior high. He refused to believe what society told him and beat the societal belief that he would amount to nothing without an education. He built an empire, was a millionaire by the age of eighteen continued amassing millions for many years. He was able to attract massive wealth with ease. Eventually, he encountered a series of three minor hiccups in his business and began to question his abilities. The more he questioned himself, the stronger the self-doubt became. He began buying into the lie that society told him about not amounting to much. Here he was, more than thirty years as a millionaire and that belief still haunted him. He began making decisions and acting from a place of fear. This fear of losing it all began creating a new reality for him. His fears caused desperation and he eventually stepped over a legal line with some of his decisions. Jail time followed, much of his fortune lost, and all because he allowed fear to control his focus. He believed he could and he did… He believed he could not and he did not.
The same is true for you. If you apply limits to what you believe is possible for you, you will receive limited success or outright failure. You are not limited in your abilities. All too often we buy into what other people tell us is true. Any “truth” told you that includes a limit or negative belief is not true.
Know that there are no limits for you. The limits you see in your abilities are excuses. Excuses are nothing more than illusions and lies we use to explain away or distract from the reasons we did not accomplish something. They are but a weak attempt to justify our lack. A friend, Marc Zalmanoff, taught me a fantastic mantra, “NO EXCUSES, JUST RESULTS”. Marc is a fitness trainer and this mantra is used for his trainees, it is appropriate for life in general and I say it to myself daily.
Drop the limits, excuses, lies, illusions, and all other things that say you are less then capable. Find a way to turn them off and go back to the list you made earlier. How will you tweak it now that you know your truth? How will you go bigger? How will you create a list that will be an example of your ultimate life?
You are able, you are strong, you are creative and you are worthy. Never allow anyone to tell you differently, including yourself. As long as you can believe in your whole self, you cannot be stopped.

Kenny Brixey

Author's Bio: 

2. Kenny Brixey creates and facilitates personal growth seminars and workshops assisting individuals in discovering their own unique strengths. He developed Changing Currents Team Building Company where he began creating and facilitating powerful paradigm shifting team events infused with authentic personal growth experiences. Life and business coaching were added to the list of services allowing for even greater opportunities for clients to grow towards their Unlimited Reality. Kenny is an author and speaker focused on creating unique opportunities for people to reach their full potential.