For most of us our daily lives are a continuous array of things to do. There are work commitments, family commitments, friends, social activities, and whatever else we choose to spend our time in and on.

Many people don't make the choice to make time for themselves. They don't choose to honour their higher self, their spirit, and their essence. They live their life in a perpetual state of busyness. They often feel that life is rushing them by but they don't know how to stop. "There are just too many things to get accomplished and only so many hours to do them in." is often the response.

Sometimes, we try to listen to our inner thoughts while being about our busyness. Between obligations we may make time to listen, but quite often it is not real listening. It is listening with a world of head noise and it is difficult to listen with a world of head noise.

Listening is about making time and taking time for yourself where you and only you can be with yourself for the purpose of listening to your Higher Self, your angels, your spirit guides, (call the energy what you will). Make Listening a priority.

People spend a fortune on advice from other people, yet if these same people would be still and listen they would receive words of wisdom far greater than anyone could advise them.

Meditating does not have to be sitting in the Lotus position with your palms upward or any other position for that matter. Meditating does have to be in a time and place where you are free from distractions. A place where you will not be disturbed. A place that feels safe.

This quiet time is for you. It is a chance to recharge your batteries and a chance for those forces that surround you and protect you to speak to you. You may not hear them in words, you may not feel them, you may feel absolutely nothing. Yet, soon after your quieting of the mind you may have a new idea about something, a problem that once was is no more, a person who you were in conflict with suddenly seems more friendly. This is the power of being still and Listening.

Life can be very logical, Listening is not. Be open to receiving information from a higher source and trust that what you hear and what you feel is a moving forward, a growing, a maturing of your Soul.

Author's Bio: 

Phil Walmsley is the creator of the highly inspirational 101 Insight Cards.