Joints are composed of bones, muscles, synovial fluid, cartilage and ligament. All the structures of the joints are important for syncing together the various functions which include connecting the bones inside the body and adding to the musculoskeletal structure of the human body. As the age starts to increase, the health of the joints starts to deteriorate making the everyday movements a problematic issue. Joints start to lose their flexibility of ligaments and tendons which then becomes rigid, leading to stiffness in joints, barring the normal range of movements and the rubbing of the bones with each other leads to a severe pain which is often because of loss of lubrication that is synovial fluid.

The problem increases considerably when the patient is observing any kind of joint disease, primarily osteoarthritis, it is a common form of arthritis which affects quite a number of people and it results into the early deterioration of joints than the usual rate. Due to the early deterioration of joints, various problems can arise and the daily routine of the affected person can be impacted which then requires medical treatments and therapies for healing. But to avoid such circumstances, doctors recommend various lifestyle modifications and dietary supplements in a variety of forms which are quite effective in providing strength to the joints to keep up with the growing age.

As per the various researches that were done to find out the impact of various elements which have a positive effect on the health of joints, came up with the findings that vitamin D (also known as the sunshine vitamin because it is a part of sunlight) greatly helps in keeping the joints in a good nature and it reduces the risk of chronic diseases, rheumatologic conditions and joint problems. The deficiency of vitamin D is also responsible for causing manifestations through chronic pain, frequent infections, gastrointestinal problems, depression, and weak bones. Since bones are held together by joints, their weakening impacts the working of joint and can lead to joint deterioration. In such cases, it is important to get screened for Vitamin D and include dietary supplements and food intake which has a high source of vitamin D. A variety of natural foods are enriched with vitamin D namely, milk, cereals and oily fish. The bone specialists recommend a dose of vitamin D3 which is highly effective in relieving the patient from symptoms of arthritis.

Just as vitamin D is good for the health of joins, the benefits of calcium are also similar which is a crucial element in maintaining the stronger conditions of bones and also aids in the release of certain hormones and enzymes which keep the condition of joints in a positive condition. It is important to know that the dosage of calcium should be limited as in the excess of calcium is responsible for causing unhealthy manifestations and lack of calcium leads to the problem of bone loss and hypertension. As per the reports of a trusted source, the dietary allowance for adults who are below 51 years of age should be a thousand milligrams per day and for people who are plus than this age group should intake 1200 milligrams of calcium daily. In some cases, the doctors increment the dosage of calcium depending upon various conditions. Calcium is primarily important in reducing the risk of osteoporosis and helps in relieving the patient from symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Both Vitamin D and Calcium have their set of advantages which helps in maintaining the health of the joints and reducing the risk of acquiring chronic diseases and joint problems. It has been proven that if Vitamin D and Calcium are taken together in standard dietary allowance, the level of absorption can increment to 65 per cent. The intake of calcium and vitamin D is often preferred naturally over the use of supplements. The reason being that supplements are artificially manufactured and the composition of Vitamin D and Calcium as part of the whole product is not sure of. There have been various reported cases where the supplement produced a side effect on the person.

As stated by the bone specialist from the best orthopaedic hospital in India, age is a crucial factor which determines the health of the joint and as the person starts to reach higher numbers of chronological age, the condition of his/her joints deteriorates. The reason is that the body naturally starts to not replace the older cells of the body and healing period is extended because the joints, cartilages and shock absorbers lose their natural strength.

To maintain the health of the joints with ageing to reduce the risk of joint failure, doctors from a trusted orthopaedic hospital in India recommend a daily intake of Vitamin D and Calcium in various forms because both of them have significant roles to play in joint health. Vitamin D and calcium have there specific advantages which help in keeping the condition of joint in good nature.

Whenever the topic of discussion is focused upon the health of joints, the discussion primarily considers how age is an important factor to determine the health of the joints. Secondly, what all specific nutrients are significant for maintaining the health of joints is also discussed. Basically, with the incrementing age, it becomes necessary to start looking at the health of the joint since already the healing capacity of the body starts to lower. Plus, the cartilage and shock absorbers start to lose their strength naturally which results into an increased physical exertion on the body. The ageing of the human body makes it more prone to the risk of acquiring diseases and likewise, the person is at greater risk of observing osteoarthritis.

A team of experts from a renowned orthopaedics hospital in India has provided us with details of how Vitamin D and Calcium if included in the daily dietary intake, can help in reducing the risk of joint failure and related problems by elevating the health conditions of joint.

Author's Bio: 

A team of experts from a renowned orthopaedics hospital in India has provided us with details of how Vitamin D and Calcium if included in the daily dietary intake, can help in reducing the risk of joint failure and related problems by elevating the health conditions of joint.