According to news released on 13 April, opened a domain name of to start video search. In fact the website was controlled by Yahoo and it is acquired by in August, 2005.
The news means that video search will become an independent website and it will become a great project for the company to operate.
On the website, besides video search function, website search function is also added.
So far, the company claimed that whole new domain name is only for product search test and it is going on the trial stage.
Such video search need more investment compared with other search functions and it can also bring more traffic on the internet.
Many e-business operators are waiting for video search test result, because the test will increase their operating cost largely, they have no plan to invest so much in the research. And they are estimating if it could really increase profit in the end or video programs can bring more viewers or not or how can netizens could search out exact products videos or not.
E-business is always searching some new ways to attract more customers or potential customers.
IBUonline is a B2B foreign trade platform, which has helped many SMEs to develop foreign trade.
IBUonline is trying to adopt video mode on the website but video search function is not easy to implement for searching purposes.
Please go to IBUonline homepage for more details on foreign trade business.

Author's Bio: 

IBU is more than an international business platform; we not only connect global buyers and suppliers, but also participate in the whole process of international trade, provide a series of practical services (off the platform) to greatly enhance the efficiency of global trade. Working with us, you can benefit from the real one-stop service for the first time.