By not making use of the advantages associated with video marketing your business is definitely missing out on an important tool which happens to be an excellent way of promoting your business. This world is becoming more and more digital and your visitors desire content that they can absorb in ways that text cannot provide. They want that content quicker and easier.
These days videos are ranking higher in search engines and the content goes viral as well as any blog post can. If you want your video to go viral then you need to be aware of some vital tips that will ensure that it does.
Prior to really starting you first need to decide what it is that you want your video to achieve and the way in which you want it to do so. You need to decide on the tone of the video, i.e. decide if it is to be amusing in promoting your product, serious in providing an essential report for prospective customers, or whether it should combine both humor and education.
By investing just a few minutes of your time you can come up with a concept for your video so that you will have an idea of what to aim for. When people fail to really plan their videos and simply record without thought the final result plainly attests to this.
Even those who are experienced vloggers (video bloggers) make sure that they plan their videos carefully so that they don't end up in the dreaded ‘dead zone' where nothing really is either said or done on the video.
While you are still in the planning stage you also should decide on the length of your video. YouTube permits videos of differing length dependent upon what your account is granted, but long videos seldom go viral. The video should not be longer than 6 minutes but the ideal is between 2 and 3 minutes.
Once you have decided on the content of your video you need to make sure that you have access to a quality recording device. Try not to make use of webcams because often the quality is not good and the end result is not nice to watch.
It is best to invest in a high quality camcorder such as the Flip Video. When you have your camcorder it is then time to decide where you will record. Using a public location isn't a good idea if you do not have prior permission to do so.
The spot you choose needs to be well lit with little noise. Your home office is also a good spot if you can't find anything else that is ideal. Do a warm-up recording of about 30 seconds first and then replay the recording so you can carefully scrutinize it. Take note of certain things such as something in the background that shouldn't be there, or whether your clothes are less than spotless. By doing a warm-up recording you can prevent long edits later on.
Make sure that your video is controversial, funny, inspiring, etc. Combine all these qualities or use them individually so as to achieve viral status for your video.
Make sure that you use everything in your content to its best advantage - the headline, wording, and imaging. Make sure that you get the word regarding your video out there on all of your social media sites, inform your list, and mention it on any business forums that you are on. When a video promotion does go viral it is evident of the fact that people are talking and are taking note of your business.
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