This short article is put together especially for small enterprises. For everybody who is running a business and are looking at doing any sort of print advertisements at all. Don't do anything until you've read this short article entirely from beginning to end. It could virtually save your business a lot of money in unneeded advertisement fees. In this brief article I'm going to be talking about precisely why the large marketing agencies are doing you an injustice by not giving you as good a service as they should be. You're going to find that when you read this material it's going to totally make sense to you and you will question the reasons you trusted your hard-earned cash with these people to begin with.

First of all, you have to realise that marketing agencies are exactly like every other business, their prime objective is to make money. In marketing and advertising terms this would mean selling ad space. You shouldn't be amazed when the ad sales rep hints you opt for a larger advert with more colour in a more prominent position. Just about all people fall into the trap of believing they're doing it with your best interests at heart, yet the truth is they simply want a better commission payment. Don't succumb to this trap. When you do work with one of these organizations ensure that you have a clear understanding of what you're looking for before you contact them and don't let them try to upsell you. Believe me, they're scarily good at doing this, so be aware!

The second rationale makes more sense as opposed to the first. Just think it over for a moment, how can any marketing company tell whether or not the advertising campaign that they wrote for you is useful or not? In terms of return on investment, an ad campaign is only really as good as the results it brings, specifically the total amount of new enquiries, phone calls and / or walk ins for your small business. So how can any advertising company monitor this result? Short answer, they can't. There's no way that the ad company can say with certainty if the advertising campaigns they make are actually working. Sure, they might be using industry best practices, yet things will never get better if they can't tweak the adverts alongside what works best and what doesn't show good results. The only real method of doing that is by testing over and over again until you find the most reliable outcome.

Finally, the final reason why you shouldn't depend on marketing agencies is that most likely they are thinking you're an idiot. Allow me to explain. Suppose you run an ad and it doesn't generate any prospects at all. The standard response you'll hear is something like this "you have got to keep doing the ad and things will probably pick up before long". Some might even proclaim that buyers require more time to get used to the branding or to allow the message to get across. These companies can be incredibly persuasive when they want to be, yet really when you look at it, it doesn't make sense whatsoever. If an advertisement delivers a bad result once, you'd need to be an utter fool to run exactly the same advertisement again. Yet, that is what they will say because these businesses still want to have your hard-earned cash, however they might try to get out of creating your business a new ad whenever they can since it usually means more work for them and they have already received their money from your fee, hence there is no point.

Your best choice requires you to draft the advert yourself or have an in house artist or freelancer to design it on your behalf. Track, evaluate and re-write as often as you need to until you get it right.

Author's Bio: 

Marketing strategies adviser NRT Pettersson has created a guidebook which shows you the way to write the best print ads for your company. To publish better magazine advertisements and much more effective newspaper advertisements head to his web site right now.