Go to your local bookstore and look in the aisle for health and fitness and you’ll find a plethora of books about to dieting and weight loss. Which system works the best? Which one is going to take the weight off? Which one will work best for you? Well, any diet should work if you follow one simple rule: Take in fewer calories everyday than you burn. Sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it? If it were as easy as that, you’d think that anyone who wanted to lose weight would be able to do it. Logically this makes a lot of sense and will work 100% of the time, as long as your digestive system is working properly, your metabolism isn’t slow and your hormones are balanced. Realistically, we all know that even though we do the right thing, sometimes it doesn’t work out as planned. Usually due to some unforeseen event or circumstance. You’ll also have to deal with your cravings, fluctuating emotions and an ever-increasing appetite. Most importantly, the goal is take the weight off and keep it off.

The truth is, there is no miracle weight loss system. You need to have a plan in place and be ready to do some work. While Chinese herbs and acupuncture are great tools to help you reach your goal, the use of them alone will not make you lose the weight you want to get rid of. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are great adjunct therapies to help you reach your goals. They will make it easier for you to make the changes you need to make, curb cravings, calm emotions, improve your digestion, decrease your appetite and increase your metabolism.

The biggest key to losing weight lies in the foods you eat. Diets that deprive you of normal foods and leave you feeling unsatisfied would make you lose weight, but the problem is, they usually don’t last. Eventually, these diets fail because the diet is making you eat in an unnatural way. You’ll find yourself gorging on all the foods you were told you weren’t allowed to eat, which usually leads to you weighing more than you did before you started the diet. This is what’s referred to as yo-yo dieting, which can lower your metabolism and also lead to adrenal fatigue. It’s easy to become frustrated with diets that leave you feeling deprived and lethargic. Eating a balance diet with lots of vegetables and limiting (not omitting) the amount of simple carbohydrates is a great start. Try to keep the carbohydrate intake to the beginning part of your day also. Acupuncture is an excellent adjunct to your weight loss program by giving your metabolism a boost, maximizing the efficiency of your digestion, reducing cravings and calming “diet anxiety”.

There are many different reasons, according to Chinese Medicine, why a person may be prone to weight gain or to find it difficult to lose weight. One reason is because of a deficiency of Spleen Qi, causing the body to not properly break down nutrients and effectively circulate them throughout the body. The decline in Spleen Qi can leave a person feeling lethargic, with a slow metabolism. Another reason is due to a decline in the fire of the kidneys, often due to excessive stress, excessive work or a natural decline that often occurs as we age. Acupuncture affects the release of hormones in your body. Balancing your hormones will help you both mentally and physically along your journey to good health.

If you’re going to be putting forth the effort by eating the right foods and exercising, you’ll definitely want to make sure your body gets the most out of your efforts. Using acupuncture and Chinese herbs can dramatically improve your digestion, so your body can absorb as many nutrients as possible. If you’re tired of taking medications and your digestion is sluggish, you suffer from IBS, bloating, GERD or any other digestive condition, contact your local acupuncturist and see if you’re a good candidate for acupuncture. There are many conditions acupuncture treats. Resolving some conditions can potentially help you to start taking off some of those unwanted pounds permanently and living the life you want.

Author's Bio: 

Bret Ellington is a specialist in treating pain and women’s health using Traditional Oriental Medicine. He is the owner of Inner Balance Acupuncture, located in south Orange County, California. His work with patients suffering from addiction has also gained him an expertise in treating sleep and anxiety issues. Graduating with a Master of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine, Bret is a Licensed Acupuncturist in California and a Diplomate in Acupuncture from the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. He works with athletes, accident victims and even in conjunction with victims from Survivors of Torture International. Please visit www.InnerBalanceAcupuncture.com to learn more.