Soaking tampons in vodka or other liquor is an alleged trend that has been reported in numerous media outlets. However, most of the stories are unlikely to be true and a number of credible sources have debunked the practice entirely. Nevertheless, there are a few isolated cases where it's ... Views: 1967
Substance Abuse has a Profound Impact on Sex
Sex and drugs always seems like a hot topic in the media and in nearly all social circles, but the reality of the situation is that sex and drugs can pose serious, lifelong consequences to those who engage in such behaviors simultaneously. There ... Views: 1776
Daily Life in an Inpatient Rehab for Addiction or Alcoholism
Daily life in an inpatient rehab program isn't much like the way it's depicted on reality television shows. While rehab certainly isn't "fun and games," it can be both enlightening and enjoyable when approached from the right ... Views: 1473
The line between constructive sharing and glorification of drug abuse or alcoholism isn't a thin one or one that is difficult to define. In fact, often one doesn't even need to listen to the specific words being said; the tone, cadence and inflections of constructive sharing are much different ... Views: 1538
Butt chugging has been making the rounds in the news lately, causing fear and anxiety among parents, educators and healthcare professionals across the country. However, this supposed trend is based almost entirely on two reports of butt chugging; one of which is hotly disputed and may not have ... Views: 1041
If you or someone you love is addicted to drugs, you've probably been hearing lots of reasons that drug abuse should cease immediately. However, the very nature of addiction means that this message is often ignored. This is especially true for some addicts when the message is delivered from a ... Views: 1141
Overdose deaths and drug-related suicides are all too common in the US, and prosecutors have often sought to make others pay the price if they are involved in a situation that ends with an overdose death. Even if you didn't directly contribute to the death, involvement in any way can merit a ... Views: 1106
If you're an addict and you're wondering if you can die during drug detox, the short but honest answer is yes. However, deaths from detox and withdrawal are rare considering the number of addicts that undergo detox and the fact that many will detox and withdraw from substances a number of times ... Views: 1784
Post Acute Withdrawal is the leading cause of drug and alcohol relapse but is still a relatively obscure condition in the addiction treatment industry. Consequently many addicts receive inadequate treatment that inevitably results in repeated relapse episodes - some lasting for months or years ... Views: 955
Medication for Post Withdrawal (also referred to as protracted withdrawal or PAWS) is one of the most useful tools for people in recovery. Post withdrawal often comes with debilitating symptoms for some addicts, and considering that symptoms can last for as long as two years, medication can ... Views: 1150
Many addicts in recovery wonder when symptoms of post acute withdrawal will end. In fact, it's the most common question related to this condition, but the answer is different for every person. Fortunately, there are a number of factors that a person can successfully influence that will help to ... Views: 3663
Dry drunk is a troubling condition that many people assume to be urban myth or legend. However, dry drunk is very real and for some recovering alcoholics it causes severe disruptions in their lives. Because many of these disruptions are related to the misunderstandings and assumptions of other ... Views: 2012
Many addicts in recovery that are nearing a relapse episode exhibit predictable and identifiable habits and behaviors before the actual relapse occurs. Recognition of these habits is critical in order for people in recovery and their loved ones to take decisive and immediate action to prevent ... Views: 1596
Support networks must be made a critical component of an addict's recovery plan in order to prevent relapse and maintain and improve emotional, mental and spiritual health. Recovering addicts that do not have a support network often become depressed, withdraw from social interactions and ... Views: 1324
In simple terms, the primary difference between acute and post acute withdrawal is the severity and potential consequences of related symptoms. As the key words indicate, acute withdrawal is generally more severe than post-acute withdrawal. However, both conditions are in actuality different ... Views: 2618
The hardest drugs to detox from depend on your perspective. If by "difficult" you're referring to the severity of dangerous medical symptoms that occur during withdrawal, then the obvious answer is alcohol and benzodiazepine. Both of these drugs could kill you during detox. But if you're ... Views: 2826
Opioid Replacement Therapy is a powerful tool to help people who are addicted to opiate-based drugs like heroin, morphine or Oxycontin detox safely. While the ultimate goal of opioid replacement therapy is an eventual complete abstinence from all opioid drugs, it has a number of other features ... Views: 888
One of the most significant reasons that people abuse drugs is for the euphoric effects they provide. While many might argue that people use substances to escape reality, to cope with stress and an unlimited number of other reasons, the fact of the matters is that euphoria makes these things ... Views: 1375
Attending a treatment program or a drug rehab center located down the street from where you once used drugs is probably not an effective way to achieve sobriety. There are many convincing arguments to attend treatment in another city or state, not the least of which is the fact that if you ... Views: 911
There are 4 primary types of drug detox available for addicts and alcoholics to achieve the initial stages of sobriety. This includes the cold turkey method, specialized detox centers, medical detox facilities and rapid detox centers. Each type of drug detox has its own benefits and pitfalls ... Views: 955
One neglected battlefield of the War on Drugs is the one that occurs inside an addict's head. This is because the physiological mechanisms responsible for our survival in the event of chemical infiltration are a seemingly double edged sword that may be more dangerous than beneficial in the long ... Views: 805
There are 7 types of tolerance to chemical substances, all of which have at least some impact on the processes of drug abuse and addiction. Tolerance invariably leads many addiction-prone people to use more and more of a substance in order to achieve the same results, but there's more to it ... Views: 1592
If you've been putting off detox for meth because you're not sure how to pay for it, you should know that there are numerous ways to fund treatment, even if you are not able to pay with cash and don't have insurance. This article discusses a number of ways to pay for detox for meth - a critical ... Views: 1071
The symptoms of post acute withdrawal are often what lead addicts and alcoholics to relapse, but with the proper mindset and the right knowledge these challenges can be effectively managed. When severe but rare PAWS symptoms such as seizures and suicidal ideation occur, immediate professional ... Views: 2313
If you have pets and you need to undergo a drug detox program, there are a number of options for their care while you get the help you need. Unfortunately, many addicts and alcoholics delay treatment or avoid it altogether because they cannot make the proper arrangements for their pets. This ... Views: 1337
Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome is a debilitating condition that affects drug addicts and alcoholics in recovery. In fact, the symptoms of PAWS are widely considered to be the leading cause of relapse - especially in people who have been clean for several months or more. Understanding this ... Views: 3523