Mission and vision statements can be used in many ways and to be successful, should be used in many ways and instances. Create a mission statement that has impact; write a vision statement that excites and describes success. Read below to see how others have used these statements and how your business mission statement and written vision statement for the future can help you, either as an entrepreneur, business leader, manager or individual.

For Impact:

25 years of literacy
For over 25 years, Literacy Volunteers’ collective impact have fulfilled their mission statement “to train and support community volunteers in the delivery of free, confidential literacy services to adults who want to improve low-level reading skills and/or learn English as a second language, applying philosophies and techniques that are student-centered and geared to the proficiency level, interests, needs and goals of the learner.”

Local man’s passion for missions strong, even on day of his death
By Jessica Miller E-E Staff Reporter
Bill Sartin’s face flashes onto the overhead screen at his funeral and he says words in a video that express how he feels about one of the great passions in his life. “I’m not so much afraid of dying as I am of living this life and not making it count for the things that really matter, the things that last,” Sartin said.
“He showed many people in our church how to do what our church mission statement is, ‘Love God, Love People.’ By his example in life and in death, our church has been impacted to see the opportunity, the urgency, the desire, the commitment to love God,” Bartlesville Southern Baptist Church Senior Pastor Paul Rummage said.

Panel Talks Vision for City
By TED REINERT, The Saratogan, 02/15/2007
SARATOGA SPRINGS - The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee took up the plan's vision of the city statement. The committee is charged with amending the plan, which serves as a guideline for developing the city while preserving its assets. "We have an opportunity to have an impact on what this vision statement looks like," said chair Manny Choy. The plan may not be reviewed for another five years. The statement describes Saratoga Springs as a "City in the Country" with a vibrant core and open spaces, needing its development to be sustainable.

For Excitement:

Giving Your Business a Vision Others Can Envision
By Yvonne Weld
Simply put, a vision statement allows others to know where you want your company to go and what is your company’s ultimate goal? To help put together your vision statement take the time to close your eyes and think about what your company will look like in 5 years. The picture you have created is your vision and will work towards developing your vision statement.

When asked by others what your vision statement is, provide them with an answer that truly allows them to picture that future you are working to create. Let that picture tell them where you ultimately are headed with your business.

Keep in mind -- how you word your statement can mean the difference between excitement and pure boredom on the part of your potential clients, investors and others that will aid you in reaching your vision.

Mission Statements, Leadership and Excitement

“I am very excited about Pizza International's mission to acquire and evolve Internet savvy entities that are family oriented," said CEO Simpson. "Pizza.Net is one of them and is now in the process of integrating new state-of-the-art search technologies that will enhance its position as 'the world's largest pizza search engine.'" Mission and vision statements are used in all types of business enterprises to convey their desired futures.

What a Resort Experience Can Become When You Have A Daring
Mission and Vision Statement
In a February 19, 2007 article, Peter McAlpine has us imagine what a 5-star resort guest experience can become when the leaders dare to create a mission and vision statement, which breaks with board room tradition; which the rational mind says is impossible to achieve.

For Success:
Vision And Execution
The one thing a major CEO reiterated was the importance of disseminating and living the vision at all levels of the organization, every single day. When faced with conflicting priorities every one of us should ask ourselves which of them is the best aligned with the vision statement and let the answer determine what our top priority should be.

Advice for the Newly Engaged - Prepare for an Awesome Marriage
In a recent article, Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway tells us you may not be able to write your own vows for your wedding, but you can put some personal thoughts on paper. The first step of any new enterprise is to create a mission statement. This applies to your marriage, as well.

Mission and Vision Statements – Helpful Roadmaps to the Future
It was found helpful to have a child include their mission statement and vision statement as a part of their Autism treatments. These statements allow all involved to remember that the process and procedures are about a child who is dearly loved and will grow to be an adult who can be an active part of his world and enjoy a high quality of life.

Mission and vision statements have a lot of power. Discover and develop your mission statement and vision statement right away. You will find that there is an opportunity to use your mission statement and inspire your vision statement in every aspect of one’s business or personal life. Integrate your mission and vision statements with passion and it will be your legacy. Need help with your mission and vision statements? Please go to www.genesisgrouponline.com to find additional information.

Author's Bio: 

In his business growth consulting practice of over 20 years, Don has enjoyed helping leaders and entrepreneurs from both large and small organizations craft their unique mission and vision statements, identify the changes they need to make and install a strategic planning process to achieve their desired future. He can be reached at www.genesisgrouponline.com.