‘Today, we spend time and lumpsum money on weight training in gyms, diet management, body exercising, beauty treatments but tend to ignore brain training, brain improvement techniques, brain rational development for enriching mind power.’
The real power within us lies not in our brawny muscles or tough heart but in our subconscious inner mind. A stupendous quantum of wisdom lies in our brain which needs to be harnessed by each one of us. As per our great scientists, we humans utilize only 10% of our brain power…… Yes, only 10%, it’s a true fact – 10% of conscious mind so the subconscious mind for many people is brand new.
Our mind is made of conscious mind, subconscious mind and superconscious mind. We are acquainted only with the conscious part of our brain structure; rest lies unexplored for many human beings.
The subconscious mind is the most powerful part of the human brain. The capacity of the subconscious mind is unlimited; it stores memories of our each incarnation known only to our inner mind. Hypnotists awaken the subconscious memory when they need to apply techniques for past life regression methods or ESP or chakra activation.
The subconscious mind is a powerhouse of energy which creates experiences like Déjà vu, Intuition, mental endurance, psychic powers, that needs to be analyzed and understand the power of creative visualization.
The unconscious mind is a term phrased by the 18th century famous German romantic philosopher Friedrich Schelling.
Different technologies like Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) have been operated to monitor the activity of a living brain by scientists. The inferences drawn from these tests reveal that even during our sleep, all parts of the brain show some level of activity. Only during the serious case of damage the brain has "silent" areas.
Your subconscious mind governs not only you but even your conscious mind with or without your knowledge. The conscious mind is related to our actions and unconscious mind with both actions and reactions. At times even we are not in control of these actions. The ways computers are linked to each other through networking mode, our subconscious mind is connected to the infinite source of universal energy or cosmic light explained in mythology. Our subconscious mind is a gateway to higher supremacy. We need to introspect the functioning of our subconscious mind and use it to improve our behavior. Law of attraction, the most creative power, is applied to the powers and thoughts of Subconscious mind in alignment with the conscious mind.
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
- Napoleon Hill
There are no measurable limits to explain what our entire subconscious mind can do for us. You should browse the internet to read articles, books that instruct you how to use this powerhouse for our good benefits.
Meditation, realization, self – discovery, arts is some of the effective training techniques for communicating with our subconscious mind.
Our subconscious mind can be the best companion for our lifetime journey. If our efforts manage to unlock the incredible powers hidden in the subconscious mind, our ESP, psychic, telekinesis strength, telepathic skills are opened up. There are more than 100 types of psychic skills in the paranormal science but only 20 are major psychic powers which can be developed only through mind power and awakening of mental energy.
The powerhouse is full of unlimited possibilities and potential. If we learn to develop this vast storage of energy for our benefits, believe me, we will conquer endless, unimaginable limits that can surpass history.
Harshada Pathare
I essentially love to think about and comprehend the enormous unsolved question of human life, human conditions and utilize my thinking abilities to analyze each attribute, circumstances, occasions, needs, feelings required for its survival.
The challenge is to make sensible data or determinations about individuals, masses, esteemed frameworks, social intersections, life conditions, decisions, social change and derive the conclusions in my compositions of true stories, insightful articles, inspirational quotes to enrich my readers.
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