Let us face it; we all undergo experience that leads us to what we call "pain." We know it as both a physical and a psychological manifestation of wounds and hurts that we either learn to manage or learn to let manage us. Many times, pain in both a physical and a mental sense is a residue of things from our past or things we have left behind. For quite a few people, however, pain is something that they refuse to overcome for many different reasons.

Some look upon pain as a thing to be treasured, polished and put on display at opportune times. On many occasions people fail to really take a close look at the pain and hurt that plagues them. It might be that pain is our mind's way of holding us in bondage or even blackmailing us into either doing or not doing things that our subconscious is desirous of or fearful of. Of course there is the purely physical manifestation of pain but even at has a definite metaphysical aspect to it.

In fact, there are many belief systems which choose to look at the encouragement of that sort of physical pain as a way to reach a higher mental or intellectual consciousness. Generally, though, it is helpful to think of pain as the objective effect of separation and longing for something, even if we do not consciously know or understand what that "something" is.

When we feel or experience actual physical pain it is quite often a way for the body to demonstrate longing for feeling. This true feeling has been walled off, so therefore the manifestation of pain will be a way for people to create a path through longing and separation that they may not be aware of on a conscious level.

Emotional pain -- which is really far more common in the human experience than objective physical pain -- can be a manifestation itself of fear, loneliness or even a desire for punishment, either of yourself or of others, though you may not consciously understand this. People feeling emotional pains are also struck by separation and loneliness. This is normally separation from the things that could help them deal with that pain, such as love or intimacy or caring for themselves or others.

Mental and intellectual pain is nothing more than separation and longing for understanding, either of you or of others. People may not feel that they are understood, which leads to a mental demand for that understanding from others. This is also a quest within a person for meaning and purpose, which all people struggle for at one time or another in their lives. In women, who seem to suffer more from such mental pain, it is an often-misunderstood desire to bear a child, which is sometimes an outward manifestation of a desire to conceive of achievement of consciousness.

Lastly, there is spiritual pain which even the most hardened atheist will deal with, though he or she may not conceive of it as being "spiritual" in nature. But it is a fact that humans all have within them an indomitable spirit. It commonly manifests itself as a lack of fulfillment or the feeling that the body is just an empty vessel. Again, it is a longing for elimination of separation from an ultimate consciousness or a God or Goddess figure.

As humans, we are all predisposed to pain. That is just a fact of our mind-body experience, which proves over and over again that we are the sum total of our two parts; our thoughts and intellect and our physical, corporeal presence on this plane of existence. Understanding all of this is the first step to eliminating pain and suffering from our lives. There are many different yet easy- to- do techniques which can help us remove this pain barrier from our lives.

Quite often these techniques revolve around gentle meditation and surrender. This surrender is nothing more than "letting go." Doing these things with a genuine desire to eliminate pain in all of its manifestations is a necessary and desirable thing. Understand that spiritual separation is the underlying root cause of these types of pain. Forgive yourself and then genuinely ask for forgiveness and it shall be given.

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Helena Ederveen is an Associate Member Australasian College Nutritional & Environmental Medicine; Clinical Nutritionist; Certified Master Practitioner NLP & Advanced Practitioner Eriksonian Hypnosis; Counsellor. 25 Years Experience. Are You Serious About Discovering Your Own Individual Blueprint Of Health? Free "Health Blueprint" Assessment.

My own health is what has driven me to become supremely qualified as a holistic health practitioner.
By 2002 I was involved in looking at pathology profiles with completely different eyes. It deepened my understanding of certain scientific laboratory technologies that can define and suggest how to rectify health imbalances before they mature into full-fledged disease.

Author's Bio: 

Helena Ederveen is an Associate Member Australasian College Nutritional & Environmental Medicine; Clinical Nutritionist; Certified Master Practitioner NLP & Advanced Practitioner Eriksonian Hypnosis; Counsellor. 25 Years Experience. Are You Serious About Discovering Your Own Individual Blueprint Of Health? Free "Health Blueprint" Assessment.

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