We try to control or dominate other people generally through various methods. It is customary in many cultures to subject children to strict discipline and education so that they do things the way the parents or educators like, or they get subjected to some kind of punishment, whether it be corporal, emotional, or vital; or else, get rewarded for doing what is expected. This is a form of “operant conditioning” as described in the Western psychological literature. What this does NOT accomplish, however, is the true mastery over the impulses, feelings, etc. and can lead to either a suppressed mental and vital nature, or else, outright rejection or rebellion.

We try to indoctrinate the young people with certain principles of living, what we call moral maxims, such as ‘thou shalt not kill’ or ‘thou shalt not covet the possessions of they neighbor” or ‘thou shalt not commit adultery” or ‘thou shalt not bear false witness’. When the young people observe, however, that the people trying to instill these concepts do not actually follow them in their lives, there is a sense of disconnectedness and unreality to them. Additionally, it is easy to say ‘thou shalt not” but we do not educate ourselves (or the young people) on actually how to achieve mastery over the impulses and vibrations that lead us into the situations that cause us to violate these principles.

Only those individuals who have conquered these impulses (or others) within themselves, can actually provide guidance to others, and that guidance is generally not in the form of a verbal or written instruction, but in the form of creation of a vibratory field that is palpable and which brings the wayward vibrations of others entering that field into harmony. This however can be a very temporary phase. We have heard the legends about sages who were able to bring peace and co-existence between the lion and the lamb, for instance, but that does not solve the issue outside the environs of the sage.

We also understand that when a disciple surrenders to a realized teacher, or Guru, that the Guru may, if he so chooses, and has himself the mastery, aid the disciple in overcoming the vibratory pattern that is desired to be changed. With the permission of the student, the Guru can actually adjust and tune the receptivity of the being so that it does not vibrate to the unwanted vibrations any longer. This of course requires that the Guru has himself obtained the necessary mastery.

There are of course instances where a seeker has found out how to gain that inner mastery of impulses and feelings. Generally this takes serious effort at self-understanding and time to shift the focus, the intention, the vibrational receptivity.

Some disciplines attempt to gain control through avoidance of the temptation. Oftentimes when the seeker returns to the societal setting, however, he finds that he has not actually solve the problem, just suppressed it temporarily. Some other disciplines attempt to gain control through confrontation with the temptation. In some cases, this leads to self-deception and the acceptance of the vibration that is to be changed, leading to ‘enjoyment’ rather than ‘transformation’ of that vibration. Another methodology has to be worked out that neither simply suppresses nor accepts the vibration; but rather, is able to withstand its force and either adjust the focus or transform the vibration.

Once an individual has found the method and conducted this inward transformation, the impact may naturally spread to others, or be communicated actively to others. This aligns with our understanding of the “hundredth monkey” phenomenon, as new skills learned by one can spread to others who vibrate within the same range of energetic activity.

The Mother notes: “One can’t control outer matter if one does not control inner matter, for they are the same thing.”

“… mastery means the knowledge of handling certain vibrations; if you know how to handle these vibrations you have the mastery. The best field of experimentation is yourself: first you have the control in yourself and once you have it in yourself you can transmit the vibration to others, to the extent you are capable of identifying yourself with them and of thus creating this vibration in them. And if you cannot handle a vibration in yourself, you don’t even know the procedure; you don’t even know what to do, so how can you manipulate it in others? You may encourage them by words, by an influence over them, to do what is needed to learn self-control, but you cannot control them directly.”

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Powers Within, Chapter XI Power of Control, pp. 96-97

Author's Bio: 

Santosh has been studying Sri Aurobindo's writings since 1971 and has a daily blog at http://sriaurobindostudies.wordpress.com and podcast located at https://anchor.fm/santosh-krinsky
He is author of 20 books and is editor-in-chief at Lotus Press. He is president of Institute for Wholistic Education, a non-profit focused on integrating spirituality into daily life.
Video presentations, interviews and podcast episodes are all available on the YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@santoshkrinsky871
More information about Sri Aurobindo can be found at www.aurobindo.net
The US editions and links to e-book editions of Sri Aurobindo’s writings can be found at Lotus Press www.lotuspress.com