I have a true story for you. My stories are always based on what I experienced. Very recently a mother came to me with her daughter, she said to me, “Tell my daughter the story of the garden.” This greatly surprised me because I had not thought of that story for a long time, and most of a year had passed since I told it to the mother. So, I began:
“There is a garden you own that is yours and yours alone.” I told her. “No one can enter your garden or no what is there. It is the only thing that at the very end of your life will be there, testifying as to how you tended it. Each day you live, you will see things, hear things and be involved with situations that will occur around you. Some will be quite unpleasant and will upset you. Some will be enjoyable and give you great comfort. There will be unimaginable things that will happen in and around your garden.”
“This garden has to be tended. If you don’t look after it, it will run rampant with weeds that will strangle the good and beautiful flowers and spoil the fruit that can grow and flourish. To tend it, you must be aware and watchful. You must actually weed out the roots that grow and you become aware of that do no good. These roots can run very deep if not lifted up and exposed to the light. If you pretend they do not exist, they will cripple you. They must be acknowledged even if it is to yourself, and you must hold them to some source to have them diminished. These roots are roots of bitterness, prejudice, hatred, judgments, and roots of greed and self-conceit. These roots are very bad. If you allow them to grow, they will harm your garden and you will not bring good in the end.
You also must be become aware of the roots and plants that you would like to grow. You must nurture them, tend to them, give them water and sunshine. These are the acts of kindness, compassion, care, love, encouragement and so on.
Even at your young age, you have already started a garden. Mom cannot help you grow it, no one can. It is yours and yours alone. Listen carefully to what your mind says, and tend it. If you forget it for a few days, you can always go back and check it out. Here is where the wealth of your life will be. Remember these words.”
The child looked impressed. I felt grateful to be the one to tell her about the garden. I hope she tends it well. From what I saw, she has a wonderful beginning.

Author's Bio: 

Faye Kufahl is an author and professional speaker on the topic of how to cope with odd and quirky behavior. she has been a social worker and served the population of Chronically mentally ill for her career.