When there are fat deposits on the thighs, buttocks, or abdomen, sometimes they take the shape of dimples,which is known as cellulite. The dimple effect is caused when connective tissue ties the skin to muscle under the fat deposits. The effect is seen more often in women because they tend to have more body fat.

This apparent skin change is not a major medical condition; however, it is quite unpleasant and may make women self-conscious especially when wearing shorts or bikinis. Thus, many women have sought out different methods to get rid of cellulite, and the tips below may help them achieve their common goal.

Eat a low-fat diet. As cellulites are fat deposits, what you need is to basically lessen your fat intake especially the saturated and trans fatty acids usually found in processed foods as they are more difficult to digest. Instead, choose those containing healthy fats such as nuts, fish and lean meat. Eat leafy vegetables and fresh fruits, as they are rich in vitamins and minerals that detoxify your body and keep your skin healthy. Avoid salty foods such as cheese, canned goods and junk foods. Taking vitamin C supplement will also help your body get rid of the toxins that aid in cellulite formation.

Drink plenty of water. It has always been recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to keep your body hydrated. Water flushes out the toxins out of your body keeping your skin healthy. Also, avoid drinking more than a cup of coffee a day as it contains caffeine. It can constrict your blood vessels especially when you have a sedentary lifestyle. So if you feel thirsty or you need to keep yourself awake, drink plenty of water instead of coffee.

Exercise regularly. Combine proper diet and regular exercise to get rid of cellulites effectively. You have to lose weight and strengthen the muscles in your abdomen, buttocks and thighs to lessen the dimpling appearance of your skin. Exercise also aids in metabolism, thus decreasing the body fat accumulation.

Get a vigorous massage. Regular intense massage flattens the cellulite by breaking up the accumulated fats. It also increases blood circulation, promotes detoxification and reduces excess fluids in cellulite areas. However, you must watch out for the intensity, as it may be painful and cause some bruising. Your massage therapist may also perform endermologie with the use of a device to even out the skin between rollers and reduce cellulites.

Apply anti-cellulite lotions and creams. These products contain natural ingredients such as antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are clinically tested to break up the accumulated fats. They are formulated to penetrate the skin into the fat cells and help make your skin appear tighter and firmer. However, women should be careful in using commercial products as they may cause skin reactions and rashes.

Consult a dermatologist. There are procedures available to get rid of cellulites and your dermatologist may recommend you to undergo that procedure. One medical therapy is the laser and radiofrequency systems. These systems may combine tissue massage with radiofrequency, infrared light, or diode laser energy to treat cellulite. This treatment may last up to 6 months as you have to undergo serial treatments to achieve best results. Another method is liposuction. The dermatologic surgeon will suction out the fat cells through tiny incisions using a narrow tube inserted under your skin. The less invasive method is the laser-assisted liposuction. This may be more effective as it destroys fat cells and tightens the skin at the same time.

The above-mentioned methods, whether natural, commercial or surgical, do not get rid of your cellulites at an instant. It needs patience and strict compliance to achieve your goal. Although science and technology have provided us alternative treatments to most medical conditions, the natural ways are still the safest way as they practically cost less, give multiple benefits and have no side effects. Therefore, eating a proper diet and having a healthy lifestyle are the best methods to get rid of cellulite.

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Women's issues are important to Christine. Many of these issues have effective solutions. More data about the subject can be found here: yeast infection cures and find out more in-depth info about things such as how to cure candida review.