Cartagena is probably the most visited places in Columbia. Specially for the many visitors you'll find located a large collection of the most preferable hotels in Colombia. Cartagena houses a number of tourist attractions. In the center of the city there are represented lovely Colombia hotels. For all those that are keen on religious tourism in Cartagena you'll find a lot of worth visiting churches.

Here is a listing of the most popular of them:

Church of the Holy Trinity

It is a simple church, its quaint façade with its tower remind to Santo Domingo. The movement of the Independence was taken place on the square. The modernity has been affected to the temple, made its whole original structure disappear. The chapel was in charge of Biffi School’s direction, it was constructed at the posterior yard for teaching to the neighborhood young.

San Agustín Church

It was founded in 1580 by Fray Jerónimo Guevara. Initially, it was convent, then military quarrel in several moments of the independence wars and since the republican life. Nowadays, it is absolutely modified and is the University of Cartagena. It is remarkable that this convent was very important for the city history because of the events plus the personalities that pass through.

In 1665, the church was started to build with the offerings which the neighbors of Los Jaqueyes collected; it was finished after a number of outshined attempts by lack of money in 1732.

Santo Toribio de Mongrovejo Church

It is a cozy church but however it was victim of the modernism, suffering modifications that damage it. It is located into the the Walled City: San Diego, Street of the Sargento Mayor, Curato street corner.

Chapel of Nuestra Señora de la Merced

It was founded in 1617 by the Father Fray Francisco de Rivera. It was built on the northeast of the city, in the same place where there were an old chapel named as “El Humilladero”. It depends from the Mercenaries of Lima (Perú).

Through the XIX century, the design suffered the attacks of the Independence War. Through the republican epoch, it turns into School and then was the Supreme Court of Justice. At the beginning of this century, the chapel as well as the convent of Law Courts were remodeled.

The theater has been restored changing into what now the Heredia Theater is; and Tadeo Lozano University functions in what the convent was.

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