We’re always told how important good communication is to make a relationship work, but what does this really mean?

On the surface, it seems straightforward and logical, right? So you and your partner need to talk and express your feelings….to be open, direct and honest

Easier said than done! Add human emotion, different backgrounds/personalities and personal limitations into the mix, and many couples are left feeling conflicted and helpless.

Good communication does not usually come naturally in a long-term relationship, and both partners need to work on getting their communication momentum right to achieve a harmonious relationship.

Here are some communication tips to help you along the way:

1.Listen – the importance of listening to each other cannot be stressed enough. How are couples supposed to fulfil each other’s needs if there is no reciprocal listening. This type of listening is not simply hearing words, but involves empathy, sensitivity and understanding of the message that your partner is trying to convey.
2.Act – once you have heard and understand what your partner is trying to say, act on it. If its something that involves a change in your relationship, or in a behavior that is bothering your partner, there is no better way to show that you care than by working on changing the issue.
3.Appreciate – whenever you see your partner making an effort to listen to you, to act on what you have communicated, and even to communicate well with you, don’t forget to say ‘thank-you’ and to show appreciation for the effort that he/she is putting into your relationship. Wouldn’t you be happy if your partner did the same for you?

Try these tips as a first step to improving the communication in your relationship and I’d love to hear how it goes!

Author's Bio: 

Rachel Moheban currently has a private practice in New York City and specializes in individual and couples therapy, and is the founder of The Relationship Suite. She has her Masters Degree in Social Work from New York University and was trained at the Ackerman Institute for the Family and at the Training Institute for Mental Health in marital and group counseling.
In addition to regular therapeutic practices, Moheban believes that couples benefit even more from using a variety of resources including the effective combination of psycho-education, relationship coaching and counseling, pro-active skills and adaptable techniques. These approaches combined are able to create the success formula needed to make fast and immediate changes in relationships. Using this formula, Moheban designed and created “The Ultimate Relationship Resolution Program.”

© 2010 The Relationship Suite. Rachel Moheban, LCSW After many years of providing private couples counseling, she discovered in addition to the already great results this method was providing, that couples benefited even more from using a variety of resources especially the effective combination of psycho-education, pro-active skills and adaptable techniques. These approaches COMBINED are able to create the success formula needed to make fast and immediate changes in relationships. This is why she designed and developed a couples program using the full ins and outs of this intricate formula; "The Ultimate Relationship Resolution Program." This article is for your general information only. You are welcome to share this tip with your community but please make sure to include the following author info:
© 2010 The Relationship Suite. Rachel Moheban, LCSW After many years of providing private couples counseling, I discovered in addition to the already great results this method was providing, that couples benefited even more from using a variety of resources especially the effective combination of psycho-education, pro-active skills and adaptable techniques. These approaches COMBINED are able to create the success formula needed to make fast and immediate changes in relationships. To learn more, and receive our FREE BiWeekly Relationship Tips and access to the Relationship Breakthrough Monthly Teleclass visit http://www.therelationshipsuite.com.