Sometimes we all feel sick at tired of everyday routine, problems that are waiting for us on every step of our life. In such moments you understand that immediate changes are vital for you. However, finding the source of right motivation can become an issue, because leaving a zone of comfort is always a very difficult task, no matter whether you are trying to find the second half, lose weight or restructure your life coordinately. The desire to stay ahead of the game requires clear understanding of what motivates you and what does not. You should define for yourself which factors affect your everyday mood, productivity, overall health and prevent positive results from happening.

So if you suddenly understood that it is time for you to introduce major shift into your life driving your way at work, or flipping through a magazine with fashion haircuts for men, our life changing tips will help you to take under control most important parts of your existence.

Go for travelling
It may sound too simple, but travelling can really save your life from boredom and engrossing routine. Unfortunately, the statistic is quite gloomy: every 5th person of our country had never went abroad. Moreover, every 10th hadn`t even left the own state. It doesn’t mean that you have to leave everything behind and go for round-the-world trip (however, the idea is not so bad), but some pleasant journey to the nearest country may be a good decision to start with. Tourism considers to be a quire expensive hobby, but if it planned well, you can enjoy remarkable views with minimum expenses. Seen other people`s life will definitely help you to change your mind and overestimate priorities.

Change your job
Chasing after money, trying to earn them all, we often forget that work should bring pleasure, but not a headache and depression. If you always dreamed to become a teacher, help animals or gather flowers, but burning out at office every single day instead, it is time to break this vicious circle. Your uncertainty is the only thing that stands between you and your dream job. We spend one third of our life at the working table, maybe you should try to be as happy as it is possible, during this time?

Fight your fears
Doing something what scares you is considered to be one of the most common ways to start a new life. Overcoming phobias will teach you to appreciate the moment. If you are afraid of height, try cliff jumping or parachuting. There are huge variety of treating therapies for arachnophobia ( fear of spiders) and herpetophobia (fear of snakes), these two are the most widespread human phobias. All people who have been through it discover it like “life changing experience”, and we are looking right for it, aren't we? Throw yourself a challenge, dare your inner fears and you will be able to discover a “new you”.

Follow these pieces of advice, and soon you will understand how beautiful life around you is. Step by step, your inner state will turn upside down to make you so happy you have never been.
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Author's Bio: 

Hey! I`m Jessica Carter. Last year I finished UAL (University of Art London ) with a specialization in Fashion Journalism. Now I live in NYC and practice skills received there. I try writing about fashion trends for different magazines and websites.
Also, I`m interested in traveling, and my dreams is to travel around the whole globe. I`ve already been to Norway, France, German, Poland, and Morocco. Next time I want to visit India.
I`m going to write a book about my adventures in different countries.