Core Values and Standards—Cross-Train Your Team

What individual starts a job displaying character traits such as being unmotivated or disengaged? Absolutely none! Most employees are eager and overjoyed when starting a job. However, the truth is that employers (managers) routinely create miserable work environments, fostering poor employee performance. The decline in employee morale and performance typically begins after the probationary period. Trust is a two-way street and has to be validated by both the employer and the employee. The term “employer” in the current workforce has a new generational meaning that frontline team members do not count. Unfortunately, the employer-employee interaction in today’s workplace can be described as that of a jailer-inmate relationship.

Most organizational management styles have been downgraded from equal employment opportunity to every man for himself, with an emphasis on a hostile workplace environment. Why would managers strive to build an unhealthy environment for employees and act upon it eight hours a day, five days a week? How much strength (energy) does it take to mistreat employees? Does it make your morning to rise out of bed knowing you have to return to a job where you are the root of the employees’ disdain or grievances? Is it easy to sleep at night when your heart is filled with shameless, unscrupulous, emotionally injurious acts toward others? When night falls, is your heart in such a peaceful place with your unethical actions that it enables you to sleep like a newborn baby just exiting the womb? When you disregard fair treatment of employees, is it a reflection of the core values and standards you have planted for your family? If so, is this what enables you to practice the same acts day after day with employees? Most disconnected employer-employee relationships are the result of failed communications, poor management, inefficient policies and procedures, or a lack thereof.

In the present day, the terms “core,” “values,” and “standards” have different meanings. The employer’s meaning of “core,” “values,” and standards in the workplace is disabling and hurtful, depending on the act executed. Today’s employer’s view of employee contributions fails to recognize that a majority of employees genuinely earn their place on the team. When an employee has given 100% by achieving performance goals/standards for the organization, the employer should recognize it. Often managers’ actions against skilled, performing employees demonstrates negativity and jealousy. These managers act as if they have handed the skilled, performing employees a free organizational ride. This is the number one destroyer of workforce drive in today’s work market.

A chief executive officer (CEO) must personally exhibit respect for organizational values and standards, as well as hold the executive team accountable for demonstrating them. Core values and standards are critical components in any organization and must be followed throughout the organization. If an employer’s overall contribution to the team is 20%, the overall contribution from the team will be 20%. It is unfair for employers to expect employees to give their all when they are not receiving the same from the employer. The best strategy to achieve organizational “one accord,” related to core values and standards, is open and honest communication. When employees are personally fulfilled and satisfied with their work, they are motivated to join the team in achieving excellent results.

The first line of communication starts within one’s self. A good leader has a steady, clear sense of direction in leadership. Appointing a leader who lacks direction will result in destructive organizational core values and standards. All relationships—personal, professional, bad or good—are built on actions; therefore, a manager has to foster impeccable levels of ethical conduct, creating an atmosphere of clarity and accountability through their actions and behaviors.

A leader’s actions affect the success of the team. Hiring employees who have the same attitudes, core values, and standards is achievable through a solid interview process. One of the criterion qualified candidates should be screened for is their ability to meet the core values and standards of the organization. When management’s behavior fails to exemplify company values and standards, employee behavior will demonstrate the same. Standards in the workplace can make or break a company. An organization without values and standards is sure to crash and burn. An organization’s core values and standards should include a sound development plan that establishes the parameters with performance measurement tools that incorporate values and standards. An effective plan sends the message that managers and non-managers are expected to perform in ways that uphold the standards communicated. In order for management to develop confidence in their team, they must get to know the character of each individual team member. As a leader, awareness of employee character is invaluable because a person’s character defines who they are morally.

While such insight gives the employer the ability to properly manage employee strengths and weaknesses, it also provides the employer with the ethical points of view of each team member. The manager is responsible for assembling a great team. In order to achieve this goal, identifying the individual character of each team member is critical. An employer should always give proper recognition for the successful completion of a task by recognizing the appropriate team member. This will create a more powerful team atmosphere, fostering a less negative and a more positive/supportive work environment. Doing so sets the standard for the Halo-Orangees’ employer-employee “one accord” vision.

There will be times when projects arise at the last minute with a short turnaround timeframe for completion. This is why all departments within an organization should have a crisis team in place for unexpected situations. Effective crisis teams must consist of reliable, knowledgeable, and willing employees. A solid crisis team starts with a strong leader’s ability to facilitate a smooth process by laying out all assignments in detail, with instructions for each team member. Furthermore, it is imperative that the head of the crisis team be available to answer all questions with the goal of successfully completing unexpected deadlines on demand.

Real Life Experience of a Halo-Orangees Team Member (names have been changed): This following real life situation is based on a bad employer-employee relationship experienced by a Halo-Orangees team member! This is what the employer-employee workforce environment has been reduced to on a widespread, international level. This memo was sent by the direct supervisor via email to the Halo-Orangees team member, and the response is the reply (via email) from the Halo-Orangees team member; however, the names and titles have been changed in an effort to allow readers an impartial perspective. Ultimately, employees have the right to respectfully address and respond to untruths or inaccurate feedback from their employer.

Interoffice Memo
Date: 6/02/2010
To: Employee Strong
From: Edward Jones, Manager
RE: Job Duties Concerns

This is a follow-up to our discussion on Friday, May 28th relative to your job duties. I value each employee and appreciate your respective contributions to the office, the department, and real organization. My personal objective for the office is to create a professional environment that fosters creativity and an above average team collaboration and interaction atmosphere. I strive to select employees who have demonstrated, through the interview process, the above stated values.

As a leader, I attempt to mentor employees, especially through their probationary period, with learning experiences and not a collective tally of missteps that may be due to limited knowledge of the environment, and not lack of skill. I feel that this builds employee confidence, enthusiasm, and creativity, and allows each individual to not be afraid to make a mistake. If I look over the team, I can identify situations for each employee that were and, sometimes, continue to be learning experiences. As we go deeper into our roles, there will be new challenges where there is not necessarily a defined template that will create the perfect response and outcome. My goal though is for the perfect outcome 100% of the time. Lastly, as a leader, I attempt to demonstrate positive interpersonal relationships and professional performance in action and attitude through any turbulent situation.

I wanted to overview some of my objectives and values, as it appears, from our discussion, that more clarity on my latitude in task assignment and management discretion is needed. As we have had this conversation before, apparently your perceptions and actions are not demonstrating my goals for the department.

My thoughts on your concern are as follows:
As management, it is difficult to pursue each individual concern in a manner that may suit that individual, as I have to consider the team, goals, and many other factors that may not be overtly obvious. In our conversation you suggested that what I had given you were Ms. New’s tasks. My perspective is that you are attempting to define Ms. New’s role, and trying also to associate your growth experience as the standard for all the staff under my leadership. My perspective is also based on an e-mail you sent to Ms. New on May 9th (I had planned to discuss this with you in your review). See below:

Partial version of email correspondence to Ms. New from Ms. Employee Strong:

Ms. New,
Common department practice is that the person (departmental lead) that oversees the global capital improvement financial process disburses all funds. I oversaw the global capital improvement financial process last year in the absence of a department lead and I handled all funds, as well as maintained the serving of my assigned customers (you do not have any customers). I provided my assistance yesterday as a cohesive team player would. As we discussed, I do not have any experience in handling fund two; therefore, please refer to the experienced employee that oversees fund two or Mr. Edward Jones for assistance with this issue.
Thanks, Employee Strong

In summary, the departmental lead position is still being defined, which is a function of management. As a manager, I cannot allow past actions or perceptions to dictate the future. From time to time there will be paradigm shifts, which are the prerogative of management. I believe you can see this being exemplified in the CEO stated mission. I am striving for a creative, flexible, and responsive team, utilizing positive energy to promote new ideas and not reflecting on prior circumstances to dictate the current or future environment. Speak positive and it will be positive.

Your email to Ms. New is completely out of line in at least two areas:

•You give comment on “common practice” and essentially attempt to direct Ms. New on what to do. This is my role.
•You discuss that Ms. New does not have any customers. Job roles and assignments are management’s role.

A more appropriate response, and one that projects a positive and team attitude, would be simply to state that you did not have experience in this area but would be happy to work with her to accomplish the task at hand.

I take each concern seriously, but you have to trust management’s discretion, and because you do not see an immediate manifestation of your concern it cannot be assumed that issues are not being addressed or that a broader plan is in development.

In conclusion, I hope I have clarified your concerns, and that I have given you some insight into the challenges management faces in being confidential and respectful of all. I also hope that you trust that I am working hard for the success of each individual. I value your contribution to the department and if each of us gives respect, we will gain respect.

As always, I remain open for discussion or clarification, as you feel necessary. Also, if you feel that you need to take this to another level, that’s fine, as this is all I can offer. Moving forward, I believe that interpersonal reflection and change will have to occur on your part for a positive outcome and positive work environment.

Interoffice Memo
To: Edward Jones
CC: Tommie Joe, Mike Small
From: Employee Strong
Date: 6/03/2010
Re: Response to Job Duties Concern

This is a long follow-up to a four-minute conversation; and, I must add, we did not hold a discussion in reference to my job duties on May 28th. I did, in fact, hold a discussion with your boss, Mr. Mike Small. I am fully aware each employee achieves objectives on an individual learning curve, which includes time/project management, team unity, self-motivation, and other practices through gaining the skills and knowledge to become self-reliant. For the record, the term “mentoring” entails informal communication, more often than not face-to-face for a duration of time. This is a task you have never attempted nor achieved with any of your team members.

You are suggesting that we have held serious individual conversations, in which you have addressed my concerns head-on, but you have clearly avoided my concerns by dismissing them. If your actions and behaviors are true reflections of you addressing my concerns, demonstrating and ensuring fairness by focusing on the performance items you have listed above in paragraph two, why are there recurring, undeniable, resurfacing, and unresolved issues under your guidance from past and present employees? My apparent perceptions and actions have always been to 100% meet all goals and requirements defined in my job description and other duties as assigned. I also demonstrated those goals and met requirements of other team members. For example, I was assigned the task of completing the global capital improvement organizational fund with no training or developmental period, nor working knowledge of the system. You also (required) instructed me to assist in completing the global operating organizational fund once the assigned employee’s apparent actions demonstrated numerous absences. This task was also achieved with no training or developmental period. My actions, however, included coming to work on a Sunday with my children to enable your boss’ superior, Mr. Tommie Joe, to meet with his superiors’ with accurate information as it relates to the global operating organizational finances.

During this period you also, on numerous occasions, requested that I complete this same employee’s day-to-day workflow. Keep in mind I neither slacked in the servicing of my assigned customers nor were my required day-to-day assignments redirected to another team member. Therefore, I have demonstrated positive interpersonal relationships and professional performance in actions and attitude, above and beyond the call of duty exemplifying superb team-playing skills. Lastly, during the appreciation and recognition gathering, you exhibited employee confidence, enthusiasm, and creative team building by only recognizing one employee (numerous-absences employee) for completing the global operating organizational financial entire fund (excluding me).

My overriding, recurring, and unresolved concerns are for fair treatment across the board, for all employees within the department. However, my greatest challenge, in my role as an employee under your leadership, is the fact that you play one employee against another (instigating). You confirmed this to me and three other employees. I have taken upon myself a high level of integrity with an emphasis on surpassing goals for this department in great respect for Mr. Tommie Joe. I have done this by giving 100% regardless of all the recurring, unresolved issues left unaddressed by you. I wholeheartedly feel that this memo is a form of retaliation on your behalf as an adverse reaction of my speaking with your boss, Mr. Mike Small, in reference to the unresolved, recurring issues under your guidance.

The entire email correspondence between Employee Strong and Ms. New is as follows:

Employee Strong,
Mr. Edward Jones has given the approval to move forward and disburse all capital funding. I certainly hope you are still at a point in your workload where you can assist me by getting these in the system. The total for this year is $24,943,850 for 19 projects. I will bring you the reports.
Thank so much.

Ms. New,
I have disbursed the capital funding per your email (attachment) with the exception of fund two. Please note per our discussion you will disburse fund two.

Employee Strong,
Edward Jones and I spoke about fund two’s capital fund and he decided that we should treat this one the same as all the rest. Please, if you don’t mind, take care of this one as well.
Again thanks.

Ms. New,
Common department practice is that the person (departmental lead) that oversees the global capital improvement financial disburses all funds. I oversaw the global capital improvement organizational financial process last year in the absence of a department lead and I handled all funds as well as maintained the serving of my assigned customers (you do not have any customers). I provided my assistance yesterday as a cohesive team player would. As we discussed, I do not have any experience in handling fund two; therefore, please refer to the experienced employee that oversees fund two or Mr. Edward Jones for assistance with this issue.

Employee Strong
Thanks for all your help yesterday.
Ms. New

As an employee:I feel I executed a helpful approach by informing Ms. New that all company-wide capital funding, per the guidelines set forth by the capital company law, must be disbursed on May 1st of each fiscal year (job role and assignments are management’s role to assure necessary tasks are completed by staff and in a timely manner) not mine (employee).

Even after you (fail to have working knowledge of a major job function) advised her against disbursing the capital funding, I applied the CEO’s mission statement you listed above by utilizing positive energy, not reflecting on prior circumstances to dictate the current or future environment. I suggested that Ms. New obtain a copy of this procedure from your boss, Mike Small, in order for her to avoid the backlash of this failed task. I also informed her of the repercussions of this failed action.

Days thereafter, once you concluded this action was necessary, Ms. New indicated that you advised her to move forward. I offered to walk Ms. New through the process and her response was, “Do you mind completing this task on my behalf?” As stated in the email that I sent Ms. New, I agreed to disburse all capital funds with the exception of fund two. I did not have the working knowledge and experience to complete this task nor did I disburse fund two last year. The reason for Ms. New’s email after our verbal agreement is beyond me. Upon my response to Ms. New, I discussed the entire email with you in an attempt to avoid any conflict. You were unwilling to address my concerns at that time.

Lastly, the role of Ms. New relayed to the team by you was non-authoritative. Ms. New was unaware that her role was non-authoritative. She informed me as well as the remaining employees under your leadership that her role is authoritative over the team members. The result of this role mistakenly being defined as a management role on behalf of Ms. New has led to forceful interactions by Ms. New with each team member, with the exception of one.

In closing, I suppose you are suggesting I utilize the CAO and CEO open door policy to all employees, because you stated going to your boss Mike Small and his superior Tommie Joe would not change the outcome of any of your practices since the three of you are inequitable accord. Therefore, interpersonal reflection and change have to be implemented by all employees within this organization, managers and non-managers respectively company-wide.
Consequences of Leaving Issues Unresolved
These memos are the result of leaving issues unresolved. A leader who lacks the ability to discern their role and responsibility in completing daily tasks typically possesses poor communication skills. Organizations must make a valiant effort to ensure that the management team can hold its own, because if not, conflict/issues will emerge. When organizations allow managers to be or remain deficient in their performance, what is the principle of the organizational core values and standards? Companies that knowingly operate with weak management core values or standards should recite: “We pride ourselves in creating a non-cohesive work environment filled with inequitable leaders, failed goals and objectives, and ongoing conflict. Our organizational focus is guaranteeing that the employee ‘revolving turnover/revolving door’ is set to automatic. ”

Halo-Orangees has classified companies that operate in this manner as dead-end organizations. These low-morale organizations are running on a racetrack toward dead-end achievement. The only result they can obtain is employee problems. Most deficient managers are famous for avoiding and sweeping issues under the rug. When this happens, strong feelings of anger, resentment, unhappiness, stress, and depression often invade the working environment. Standards in the workplace cannot be restricted to certain employers or employees. The standard rules must be modeled by all. Issues that are swept under the rug are simply stirring, compounding, only to arise later and break the surface in the form of a tornado. Left unresolved, they can trigger employee withdrawal, resignations, and/or violence.

Effective communication is the core of any successful relationship and has to be honestly undertaken by all involved persons. Managers who view employee complaints as trivial or irrelevant are in for a rude awakening. Managers can only avoid resolving issues for so long. In most cases, job-related issues that have been dismissed or avoided result in employees losing trust in management and employee detachment or withdrawal.

By the time a conflict hits the fan or erupts, it is no longer avoidable, and employees do not trust organizational leaders to resolve the issue, especially when they have been presented on numerous occasions within the chain of command or to human resources and those earlier complaints have been ignored. Based on experiences of today’s realities, employees neither feel safe nor do they trust the organization’s management team to fairly resolve issues. Entities that are ineffective in reinforcing workplace ethics are inevitably destined to contract a disease that is so widespread, the entity is weakened like the body to a slow, debilitating cancer. This is why Halo-Orangees offers employer-employee intervention mediation. These mediations are above-board, with a core goal of getting the parties to see each day as a step towards a new beginning—realizing that tomorrow is not yesterday, and honest employer-employee partnerships are being forged. Halo-Orangees specializes in designing and creating organizational handbooks that are interconnected with the company’s vision, mission, brand, core values, and standards.

Volume I is an organizational handbook that reflects the organization from a global perspective. Volume II includes Volume I, and it provides departmental handbooks tailored to the standards of individual departments while reflecting the company standards as a whole. Handbooks in the workplace are so important and should be created in the form of course material. Core values and standards should be universal across the board and above-board at all times. This is why the standards employees are expected to follow should be presented during the interview process and should be fully relayed during the orientation and training process. All standards must be continuously enforced and adhered to on a daily basis by the employer and employee.
Core Values and Standards – Employee Standards:
Loyalty to Your Performance = Loyalty to Your Employer
What do core values and standards mean to employees today? Being an employee in the current work world is difficult. It is hard to put your best foot forward in an unhealthy organizational environment where the core values and standards are nonexistent or ignored. In most instances, it takes every ounce of inner and outer strength to get out of bed in the morning knowing you have to return to a job you detest. However, the foundation of core values and standards you have planted for your family, spouse, and kids is one of the sole reasons you return to a job you dislike. When night falls, the thought of knowing you must return makes your stomach turn. As the sun rises in the morning, the thought of going back to the environment in which the term “ethics” does not exist forces you to drive to a prison of solitary confinement.

In the present day, the global employment terms “core values” and “standards” have different meanings. The employee’s meaning of “core values” and “standards” are brutally problematic. When it comes to respecting employers’ values (standards), some employees would ask, “How?” How can you respect someone who consciously and unfairly mistreats you? Others employees would ask, “Why?” because respect is earned and when it is given, it will be received. When no amount of work ethic or effort is ever good enough, and daily greetings from your boss start with at least three things that are totally wrong, employees are doomed from the start.

Employee approaches should be respectful and positive. This makes the employee-employer environment profitable and enjoyable. Taking a step back and looking at yourself in the mirror is always a beneficial method of creating positive employer-employee partnerships. Negative reinforcement is the sponsor of hostile environments. Loyalty to your performance equals loyalty to your employer. The success of an organization is based on the trust and commitment of its employees. When people have integrity, they tend to follow moral values. Integrity includes having a good work ethic. Sacrifice and satisfaction are the result of striving to achieve quality performance. Goals normally start with serious sacrifices. However, with strong willpower and hard work, the goals can be met with good measure. Employees should commit to upholding organizational standards and pledge to conduct themselves in a responsible manner, performing to the best of their abilities at all times. Meeting organizational guidelines should be on the agenda of every employee. A good employee is self-directed, independent, and knowledgeable. Embracing the work environment with team collaboration in mind is the first step in the right direction to meeting organizational goals.

Loyalty starts within, meaning when you remain true to yourself by not allowing circumstances from your past or present to impose upon your character, you achieve organizational standards. Loyalty requires giving 100% towards meeting performance standards. Loyalty does not entail agreeing with everything your employer says or does. However, if an employee does disagree, he or she must communicate and provide feedback in a respectful, professional manner. When organizations enter into employment relationships with managers and employees, the standard requirements and boundary lines for the day-to-day operations must be immediately realized. It is wise stewardship to value the knowledge and skills of your colleagues, consistently using open and honest communications. A cooperative team member confronts issues head-on with the goal of finding solutions, rather than making excuses or pointing blame at others. When employees take the initiative to remain involved and stay engaged, they accomplish job-related achievements.

Eliminating the “I” and “ME” and Incorporating TEAM (“I and ME” = A Dysfunctional Team)

Team success is measured by the group and not the individual person. Human beings have strengths and weaknesses; acknowledging them and using them to the advantage of the team is key. A good team member shares the spotlight, giving other team members the opportunity to shine. Furthermore, one must value the expertise of each team member, utilizing that expertise for the good of the team. “I” and “Me” stifle employer-employee “one accord” and create a non-cohesive work environment. Managers ultimately are responsible for shaping a cohesive environment within the team by eliminating “I” and “me” and incorporating “team.” A team member who puts personal gain above the team is, arguably, demonstrating a dysfunctional behavior. “I” and “Me” are the driving forces behind dysfunctional organizational employer-employee relationships. The leader determines whether the team will be dysfunctional or a “one accord,” high-performing team. The leader’s role is that of a teacher. So, in order to clearly understand a team, start by observing the words and actions of the leader. “I” and “Me” are the destroyer of the Halo-Orangees’ “one mind, one body, one team”.

A good leader is trustworthy, informative, and accountable, and accepts feedback; likewise, a good team member does the same. A smart team member can rise above and adapt regardless of a dysfunctional team. Communication between employees can have a major impact on employee relations. Employees should be mindful of the fact that every role counts—that is, one person’s failure to perform can affect a department or an organization as a whole. In essence, employees should take full advantage of the probationary period and obtain all of the knowledge offered during this process. Core values and standards should include constructive criticism to help employees become more effective and efficient. The only way a person will know how to improve is by being informed of areas they need to improve. Employers and employees cannot achieve organizational objectives unless they are educated on the areas of low performance. Organizational objectives serve as the foundation for employer-employees successfully achieving the mission. Value is created when employees are loyal to one another. Much is to be gained when core loyalty lies within the group. Group loyalty in a team ensures that organizational standards are being met. Once loyalty is established within a team, the dysfunctional “I” and “Me” are eliminated, and team “one accord” is achieved.

T.O.M.O.R.R.O.W. Is Not Yesterday—To Maintain Open, Responsive Reactions on Work

Tomorrow is the beginning of a fresh start with a new perspective, meaning, “Don’t allow the attitude and actions of yesterday to dictate your tomorrow.” Carrying the baggage of yesterday into a new day can affect your attitude and create unnecessary stress. Stress in the workplace can oftentimes affect performance, health, and personal life, as well as emotional well-being. Human emotions are a powerful combination of feelings, whether happy or sad—oftentimes overwhelming feelings of anxiety in sad cases, cheerful feelings of bliss in happy cases. When a person is unhappy, it can lead to a verbal or physical attack upon the person who evoked the emotion. This is why “tomorrow is not yesterday” should be included in the orientation process. Two of the best approaches to career longevity are self-discipline and courage.

What is tomorrow? Tomorrow is the courage to look beyond current circumstances. Tomorrow is never giving up or in to adversity. It is light out of darkness into a new day filled with unlimited vision for the future. It is empowering motivation to remain true to your moral character in all situations. Tomorrow holds the key to your dreams; it is the strength sustaining your self-control. Tomorrow is more favorable than yesterday. It is your platform to restore all you have lost and all you have to gain. Tomorrow is worth your while. Tomorrow is realizing your life’s mission. Tomorrow is the day that your workforce encounters with your boss will change your life forever. It is the day you will become your own workplace employer, and you employ two hundred staff members of your own. Tomorrow is the day you vow to always treat your employees with dignity and respect. Tomorrow is sharing your good life with others. Tomorrow is the day you urge your employees to take advantage of the tools you are offering.

Tomorrow is the day you look back on your bad work experiences, before you became your own boss, and give thanks to the inequitable employer or employers with whom you had the pleasure of working. Tomorrow is conducting a motivational speaking seminar telling your life story of endurance, encouraging others to hold on, because the journey ahead is the start of a skillful new craft. Tomorrow is the moment you want to savor for a lifetime. It is the day you have been dreaming of forever. Tomorrow is your climb to the top, the day you recognize that remaining true to your ethical character pays off. Tomorrow is your leap of strong faith, giving you the ability to branch out on your own. Tomorrow is the best day ever. Tomorrow is the day you look back and stand proud because you withstood the test of time. Tomorrow is creating your freedom from surroundings of strife. Tomorrow serves a higher purpose than yesterday.

Tomorrow is that road straightened to massive potential. Tomorrow is your transformation into a better you. Tomorrow is obtaining everlasting wisdom. It is peace of mind and filled with joy and uncontrollable laughter. Tomorrow is that divine feeling of inspiration within oneself to reach new heights of opportunity. Tomorrow is the day your seed of good measure will be harvested. Tomorrow is your second chance. It is not being confined to the box someone else created and labeled for you. Tomorrow is to live, believe, and achieve. Tomorrow is the birth of your dreams. Tomorrow is you over-exceeding expectations. Tomorrow is longevity. Tomorrow is an open door to becoming a Bloomberg Game Changer like the Oprah Winfrey’s of the world.

When you are forced to work in a non-structured environment filled with drama, remember that tomorrow is a new adventure that will be better than yesterday, a rocket ship ride and destination to endless possibilities.

Book:Halo-Orangees employer -employee “one accord” Volume I One Mind, One Body, One Team

Author's Bio: 

My name is B.L. Brown Author of Halo-Orangees employer -employee “one accord” Volume I One Mind, One Body, One Team. It is a motivational book on the job survival manual, mindset enhancer, stress reliever for both employers and employees. Halo-Orangees is an online job board ( The genesis of Halo-Orangees’ Brand: Helping Advocate Longevity of Organizations by Obtaining Objectives through Redefining Above-Board New Generational Guidelines for Employer Employee Standards was inspired, developed, and birthed from my reaction to an unethical manager with whom I, B. L. Brown, had the pleasure—that is, in making me stronger—of working for. My executive director, Melvin Booker, had perfected the art of insulting staff members on a daily basis. I could only surmise that this leader saw the entire group of employees as confined to a small shoe box. In a one-on-one meeting with my executive director, he made the statement that another employee, who held the same title, was better than I was. In response, I informed him that this employee was not better than I was, nor was I better than she. I also asked him to explain the basis for his statement. He stumbled, stuttered, and finally replied that this employee was better than I was because she held two master’s degrees. In my opinion, a leader should never let anything like this come from his mouth.

Quotes: “Don’t ever allow anyone to define or confine you to a box, stifling your growth by forcing their negativity and lack of self-assurance on you”. “You are the only one who defines you, so don’t ever allow anyone to tell you who you are, or that you are not good enough”. Confinement is not a part of your destiny. Your life purpose is to take the totality of your negative experiences, roll them up into one, and use them positively to lay the foundation for your destiny. Think of your negative workforce encounters as grass seeds entering the ground, planted and watered, especially designed for you to walk on as you enter a new path into your marvelous future. I look forward to seeing you at the top.

Author B.L. Brown/Halo-Orangees employer -employee “one accord” Volume I One Mind, One Body, One Team.